
Draft Community Group Report,

This version:
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A fork of the WHATWG Fetch standard that defines requests, responses, and the process that binds them: fetching.

Status of this document

This specification was published by the Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA) there is a limited opt-out and other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups.

About this fork

This specification is a fork of the WHATWG Fetch spec [FETCH], made as part of the WinterCG effort, to make it more suitable for server-side JavaScript runtimes to implement.

The goal of this fork on a short to medium term is to agree on the behavior of fetching in server-side runtimes, and on the long term to upstream those changes into the WHATWG specification.

The changes from the WHATWG spec so far are:

Please update this list as new changes are added.

This spec is still a work in progress, and some things we hope to specify in the future are:


The goal is to unify fetching across the web platform and provide consistent handling of everything that involves, including:

To do so it also supersedes the HTTP `Origin` header semantics originally defined in The Web Origin Concept. [ORIGIN]

1. Preface

At a high level, fetching a resource is a fairly simple operation. A request goes in, a response comes out. The details of that operation are however quite involved and used to not be written down carefully and differ from one API to the next.

Numerous APIs provide the ability to fetch a resource, e.g. HTML’s img and script element, CSS' cursor and list-style-image, the navigator.sendBeacon() and self.importScripts() JavaScript APIs. The Fetch Standard provides a unified architecture for these features so they are all consistent when it comes to various aspects of fetching, such as redirects and the CORS protocol.

The Fetch Standard also defines the fetch() JavaScript API, which exposes most of the networking functionality at a fairly low level of abstraction.

2. Conformance classes

This specification applies to any user agent that chooses to implement it. However, different types of user agent have different needs in regards to fetching, and so this specification defines different categories among which implementers might fall.

A user agent implementing this specification:

supports CORS
if it has a concept of an origin which the current EcmaScript execution context runs in, and which defines a security boundary with code and data from other origins. [HTML] [ORIGIN]
supports cookies
if it supports the user agent requirements of [COOKIES]. For the purposes of this specification, user agents which don’t support cookies must act as if they were configured to block cookies for all requests and responses (see section 7 of [COOKIES])).

Web browsers support both CORS and cookies.

3. Infrastructure

This specification depends on the Infra Standard. [INFRA]

This specification uses terminology from ABNF, Encoding, HTML, HTTP, MIME Sniffing, Streams, URL, Web IDL, and WebSockets. [ABNF] [ENCODING] [HTML] [HTTP] [MIMESNIFF] [STREAMS] [URL] [WEBIDL] [WEBSOCKETS]

ABNF means ABNF as augmented by HTTP (in particular the addition of #) and RFC 7405. [RFC7405]

Credentials are HTTP cookies, TLS client certificates, and authentication entries (for HTTP authentication). [COOKIES] [TLS] [HTTP]

A fetch params is a struct used as a bookkeeping detail by the fetch algorithm. It has the following items:

A request.
process request body chunk length (default null)
process request end-of-body (default null)
process early hints response (default null)
process response (default null)
process response end-of-body (default null)
process response consume body (default null)
Null or an algorithm.
task destination (default null)
Null, a global object, or a parallel queue.
cross-origin isolated capability (default false)
A boolean.
controller (default a new fetch controller)
A fetch controller.
timing info
A fetch timing info.
preloaded response candidate (default null)
Null, "pending", or a response.

A fetch controller is a struct used to enable callers of fetch to perform certain operations on it after it has started. It has the following items:

state (default "ongoing")
"ongoing", "terminated", or "aborted"
full timing info (default null)
Null or a fetch timing info.
report timing steps (default null)
Null or an algorithm accepting a global object.
serialized abort reason (default null)
Null or a Record (result of StructuredSerialize).
next manual redirect steps (default null)
Null or an algorithm accepting nothing.

To report timing for a fetch controller controller given a global object global:

  1. Assert: controller’s report timing steps is non-null.

  2. Call controller’s report timing steps with global.

To process the next manual redirect for a fetch controller controller:

  1. Assert: controller’s next manual redirect steps is non-null.

  2. Call controller’s next manual redirect steps.

To extract full timing info given a fetch controller controller:

  1. Assert: controller’s full timing info is non-null.

  2. Return controller’s full timing info.

To abort a fetch controller controller with an optional error:

  1. Set controller’s state to "aborted".

  2. Let fallbackError be an "AbortError" DOMException.

  3. Set error to fallbackError if it is not given.

  4. Let serializedError be StructuredSerialize(error). If that threw an exception, catch it, and let serializedError be StructuredSerialize(fallbackError).

  5. Set controller’s serialized abort reason to serializedError.

To deserialize a serialized abort reason, given null or a Record abortReason and a realm realm:

  1. Let fallbackError be an "AbortError" DOMException.

  2. Let deserializedError be fallbackError.

  3. If abortReason is non-null, then set deserializedError to StructuredDeserialize(abortReason, realm). If that threw an exception or returned undefined, then set deserializedError to fallbackError.

  4. Return deserializedError.

To terminate a fetch controller controller, set controller’s state to "terminated".

A fetch params fetchParams is aborted if its controller’s state is "aborted".

A fetch params fetchParams is canceled if its controller’s state is "aborted" or "terminated".

A fetch timing info is a struct used to maintain timing information needed by Resource Timing and Navigation Timing. It has the following items: [RESOURCE-TIMING] [NAVIGATION-TIMING]

start time (default 0)
redirect start time (default 0)
redirect end time (default 0)
post-redirect start time (default 0)
final service worker start time (default 0)
final network-request start time (default 0)
final network-response start time (default 0)
end time (default 0)
A DOMHighResTimeStamp.
final connection timing info (default null)
Null or a connection timing info.
server-timing headers (default « »)
A list of strings.
render-blocking (default false)
A boolean.

A response body info is a struct used to maintain information needed by Resource Timing and Navigation Timing. It has the following items: [RESOURCE-TIMING] [NAVIGATION-TIMING]

encoded size (default 0)
decoded size (default 0)
A number.

To create an opaque timing info, given a fetch timing info timingInfo, return a new fetch timing info whose start time and post-redirect start time are timingInfo’s start time.

To queue a fetch task, given an algorithm algorithm, a global object or a parallel queue taskDestination, run these steps:

  1. If taskDestination is a parallel queue, then enqueue algorithm to taskDestination.

  2. Otherwise, queue a global task on the networking task source with taskDestination and algorithm.

To serialize an integer, represent it as a string of the shortest possible decimal number.

This will be replaced by a more descriptive algorithm in Infra. See infra/201.

3.1. URL

A local scheme is "about", "blob", or "data".

A URL is local if its scheme is a local scheme.

This definition is also used by Referrer Policy. [REFERRER]

An HTTP(S) scheme is "http" or "https".

A fetch scheme is "about", "blob", "data", "file", or an HTTP(S) scheme.

HTTP(S) scheme and fetch scheme are also used by HTML. [HTML]

3.2. HTTP

While fetching encompasses more than just HTTP, it borrows a number of concepts from HTTP and applies these to resources obtained via other means (e.g., data URLs).

An HTTP tab or space is U+0009 TAB or U+0020 SPACE.

HTTP whitespace is U+000A LF, U+000D CR, or an HTTP tab or space.

HTTP whitespace is only useful for specific constructs that are reused outside the context of HTTP headers (e.g., MIME types). For HTTP header values, using HTTP tab or space is preferred, and outside that context ASCII whitespace is preferred. Unlike ASCII whitespace this excludes U+000C FF.

An HTTP newline byte is 0x0A (LF) or 0x0D (CR).

An HTTP tab or space byte is 0x09 (HT) or 0x20 (SP).

An HTTP whitespace byte is an HTTP newline byte or HTTP tab or space byte.

To collect an HTTP quoted string from a string input, given a position variable position and optionally an extract-value flag, run these steps:

  1. Let positionStart be position.

  2. Let value be the empty string.

  3. Assert: the code point at position within input is U+0022 (").

  4. Advance position by 1.

  5. While true:

    1. Append the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are not U+0022 (") or U+005C (\) from input, given position, to value.

    2. If position is past the end of input, then break.

    3. Let quoteOrBackslash be the code point at position within input.

    4. Advance position by 1.

    5. If quoteOrBackslash is U+005C (\), then:

      1. If position is past the end of input, then append U+005C (\) to value and break.

      2. Append the code point at position within input to value.

      3. Advance position by 1.

    6. Otherwise:

      1. Assert: quoteOrBackslash is U+0022 (").

      2. Break.

  6. If the extract-value flag is set, then return value.

  7. Return the code points from positionStart to position, inclusive, within input.

Input Output Output with the extract-value flag set Final position variable value
""\" ""\" "\" 2
""Hello" World" ""Hello"" "Hello" 7
""Hello \\ World\""" ""Hello \\ World\""" "Hello \ World"" 18

The position variable always starts at 0 in these examples.

3.2.1. Methods

A method is a byte sequence that matches the method token production.

A CORS-safelisted method is a method that is `GET`, `HEAD`, or `POST`.

A forbidden method is a method that is a byte-case-insensitive match for `CONNECT`, `TRACE`, or `TRACK`. [HTTPVERBSEC1], [HTTPVERBSEC2], [HTTPVERBSEC3]

To normalize a method, if it is a byte-case-insensitive match for `DELETE`, `GET`, `HEAD`, `OPTIONS`, `POST`, or `PUT`, byte-uppercase it.

Normalization is done for backwards compatibility and consistency across APIs as methods are actually "case-sensitive".

Using `patch` is highly likely to result in a `405 Method Not Allowed`. `PATCH` is much more likely to succeed.

There are no restrictions on methods. `CHICKEN` is perfectly acceptable (and not a misspelling of `CHECKIN`). Other than those that are normalized there are no casing restrictions either. `Egg` or `eGg` would be fine, though uppercase is encouraged for consistency.

3.2.2. Headers

HTTP generally refers to a header as a "field" or "header field". The web platform uses the more colloquial term "header". [HTTP]

A header list is a list of zero or more headers. It is initially « ».

A header list is essentially a specialized multimap: an ordered list of key-value pairs with potentially duplicate keys.

To get a structured field value given a header name name and a string type from a header list list, run these steps:

  1. Assert: type is one of "dictionary", "list", or "item".

  2. Let value be the result of getting name from list.

  3. If value is null, then return null.

  4. Let result be the result of parsing structured fields with input_string set to value and header_type set to type.

  5. If parsing failed, then return null.

  6. Return result.

Get a structured field value intentionally does not distinguish between a header not being present and its value failing to parse as a structured field value. This ensures uniform processing across the web platform.

To set a structured field value given a tuple (header name name, structured field value structuredValue), in a header list list, run these steps:

  1. Let serializedValue be the result of executing the serializing structured fields algorithm on structuredValue.

  2. Set (name, serializedValue) in list.

Structured field values are defined as objects which HTTP can (eventually) serialize in interesting and efficient ways. For the moment, Fetch only supports header values as byte sequences, which means that these objects can be set in header lists only via serialization, and they can be obtained from header lists only by parsing. In the future the fact that they are objects might be preserved end-to-end. [RFC8941]

A header list list contains a header name name if list contains a header whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for name.

To get a header name name from a header list list, run these steps:

  1. If list does not contain name, then return null.

  2. Return the values of all headers in list whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for name, separated from each other by 0x2C 0x20, in order.

To get, decode, and split a header name name from header list list, run these steps:

  1. Let value be the result of getting name from list.

  2. If value is null, then return null.

  3. Return the result of getting, decoding, and splitting value.

This is how get, decode, and split functions in practice with `A` as the name argument:

Headers (as on the network) Output
A: nosniff,
« "nosniff", "" »
A: nosniff
B: sniff
A: text/html;", x/x
« "text/html;", x/x" »
A: text/html;"
A: x/x
A: x/x;test="hi",y/y
« "x/x;test="hi"", "y/y" »
A: x/x;test="hi"
C: **bingo**
A: y/y
A: x / x,,,1
« "x / x", "", "", "1" »
A: x / x
A: ,
A: 1
A: "1,2", 3
« ""1,2"", "3" »
A: "1,2"
D: 4
A: 3

To get, decode, and split a header value value, run these steps:

  1. Let input be the result of isomorphic decoding value.

  2. Let position be a position variable for input, initially pointing at the start of input.

  3. Let values be a list of strings, initially empty.

  4. Let temporaryValue be the empty string.

  5. While position is not past the end of input:

    1. Append the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are not U+0022 (") or U+002C (,) from input, given position, to temporaryValue.

      The result might be the empty string.

    2. If position is not past the end of input, then:

      1. If the code point at position within input is U+0022 ("), then:

        1. Append the result of collecting an HTTP quoted string from input, given position, to temporaryValue.

        2. If position is not past the end of input, then continue.
      2. Otherwise:

        1. Assert: the code point at position within input is U+002C (,).

        2. Advance position by 1.

    3. Remove all HTTP tab or space from the start and end of temporaryValue.

    4. Append temporaryValue to values.

    5. Set temporaryValue to the empty string.

  6. Return values.

Except for blessed call sites, the algorithm directly above is not to be invoked directly. Use get, decode, and split instead.

To append a header (name, value) to a header list list, run these steps:

  1. If list contains name, then set name to the first such header’s name.

    This reuses the casing of the name of the header already in list, if any. If there are multiple matched headers their names will all be identical.

  2. Append (name, value) to list.

To delete a header name name from a header list list, remove all headers whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for name from list.

To set a header (name, value) in a header list list, run these steps:

  1. If list contains name, then set the value of the first such header to value and remove the others.

  2. Otherwise, append (name, value) to list.

To combine a header (name, value) in a header list list, run these steps:

  1. If list contains name, then set the value of the first such header to its value, followed by 0x2C 0x20, followed by value.

  2. Otherwise, append (name, value) to list.

Combine is used by XMLHttpRequest and the WebSocket protocol handshake.

To convert header names to a sorted-lowercase set, given a list of names headerNames, run these steps:

  1. Let headerNamesSet be a new ordered set.

  2. For each name of headerNames, append the result of byte-lowercasing name to headerNamesSet.

  3. Return the result of sorting headerNamesSet in ascending order with byte less than.

To sort and combine a header list list:

  1. Let headers be an empty list of headers with the key being the name and value the value.

  2. Let names be the result of convert header names to a sorted-lowercase set with all the names of the headers in list.

  3. For each name of names:

    1. Let value be the result of getting name from list.

    2. Assert: value is non-null.

    3. Append (name, value) to headers.

  4. Return headers.

A header is a tuple that consists of a name (a header name) and value (a header value).

A header name is a byte sequence that matches the field-name token production.

A header value is a byte sequence that matches the following conditions:

The definition of header value is not defined in terms of the field-value token production as it is not compatible with deployed content.

To normalize a byte sequence potentialValue, remove any leading and trailing HTTP whitespace bytes from potentialValue.

To determine whether a header (name, value) is a CORS-safelisted request-header, run these steps:

  1. If value’s length is greater than 128, then return false.

  2. Byte-lowercase name and switch on the result:


    If value contains a CORS-unsafe request-header byte, then return false.


    If value contains a byte that is not in the range 0x30 (0) to 0x39 (9), inclusive, is not in the range 0x41 (A) to 0x5A (Z), inclusive, is not in the range 0x61 (a) to 0x7A (z), inclusive, and is not 0x20 (SP), 0x2A (*), 0x2C (,), 0x2D (-), 0x2E (.), 0x3B (;), or 0x3D (=), then return false.

    1. If value contains a CORS-unsafe request-header byte, then return false.

    2. Let mimeType be the result of parsing the result of isomorphic decoding value.

    3. If mimeType is failure, then return false.

    4. If mimeType’s essence is not "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", or "text/plain", then return false.

    This intentionally does not use extract a MIME type as that algorithm is rather forgiving and servers are not expected to implement it.

    If extract a MIME type were used the following request would not result in a CORS preflight and a naïve parser on the server might treat the request body as JSON:

    fetch("https://victim.example/naïve-endpoint", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: [
        ["Content-Type", "application/json"],
        ["Content-Type", "text/plain"]
      credentials: "include",
      body: JSON.stringify(exerciseForTheReader)
    1. Let rangeValue be the result of parsing a single range header value given value.

    2. If rangeValue is failure, then return false.

    3. If rangeValue[0] is null, then return false.

      As web browsers have historically not emitted ranges such as `bytes=-500` this algorithm does not safelist them.


    Return false.

  3. Return true.

There are limited exceptions to the `Content-Type` header safelist, as documented in CORS protocol exceptions.

A CORS-unsafe request-header byte is a byte byte for which one of the following is true:

The CORS-unsafe request-header names, given a header list headers, are determined as follows:

  1. Let unsafeNames be a new list.

  2. Let potentiallyUnsafeNames be a new list.

  3. Let safelistValueSize be 0.

  4. For each header of headers:

    1. If header is not a CORS-safelisted request-header, then append header’s name to unsafeNames.

    2. Otherwise, append header’s name to potentiallyUnsafeNames and increase safelistValueSize by header’s value’s length.

  5. If safelistValueSize is greater than 1024, then for each name of potentiallyUnsafeNames, append name to unsafeNames.

  6. Return the result of convert header names to a sorted-lowercase set with unsafeNames.

A CORS non-wildcard request-header name is a header name that is a byte-case-insensitive match for `Authorization`.

A privileged no-CORS request-header name is a header name that is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of

These are headers that can be set by privileged APIs, and will be preserved if their associated request object is copied, but will be removed if the request is modified by unprivileged APIs.

`Range` headers are commonly used by downloads and media fetches, although neither of these currently specify how. html/2914 aims to solve this.

A helper is provided to add a range header to a particular request.

A CORS-safelisted response-header name, given a list of header names list, is a header name that is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of

A no-CORS-safelisted request-header name is a header name that is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of

To determine whether a header (name, value) is a no-CORS-safelisted request-header, run these steps:

  1. If name is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header name, then return false.

  2. Return whether (name, value) is a CORS-safelisted request-header.

A header (name, value) is forbidden request-header if these steps return true:

  1. If name is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of:

    • `Accept-Charset`
    • `Accept-Encoding`
    • `Connection`
    • `Content-Length`
    • `Date`
    • `DNT`
    • `Expect`
    • `Host`
    • `Keep-Alive`
    • `Referer`
    • `TE`
    • `Trailer`
    • `Transfer-Encoding`
    • `Upgrade`
    • `Via`

    then return true.

  2. If the user agent supports CORS and name is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of:

    then return true.

  3. If the user agent supports cookies and name is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of:

    • `Cookie`
    • `Cookie2`
    • `Set-Cookie`

    then return true.

  4. If name when byte-lowercased starts with `proxy-` or `sec-`, then return true.

  5. If name is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of:

    • `X-HTTP-Method`
    • `X-HTTP-Method-Override`
    • `X-Method-Override`


    1. Let parsedValues be the result of getting, decoding, and splitting value.

    2. For each method of parsedValues: if the isomorphic encoding of method is a forbidden method, then return true.

  6. Return false.

These are forbidden so the user agent remains in full control over them.

Header names starting with `Sec-` are reserved to allow new headers to be minted that are safe from APIs using fetch that allow control over headers by developers, such as XMLHttpRequest. [XHR]

The `Set-Cookie` header is semantically a response header, so it is not useful on requests. Because `Set-Cookie` headers cannot be combined, they require more complex handling in the Headers object. It is forbidden here to avoid leaking this complexity into requests.

A header name name is a forbidden response-header name if the user agent supports cookies and name is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of:

A request-body-header name is a header name that is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of:

To extract header values given a header header, run these steps:

  1. If parsing header’s value, per the ABNF for header’s name, fails, then return failure.

  2. Return one or more values resulting from parsing header’s value, per the ABNF for header’s name.

To extract header list values given a header name name and a header list list, run these steps:

  1. If list does not contain name, then return null.

  2. If the ABNF for name allows a single header and list contains more than one, then return failure.

    If different error handling is needed, extract the desired header first.

  3. Let values be an empty list.

  4. For each header header list contains whose name is name:

    1. Let extract be the result of extracting header values from header.

    2. If extract is failure, then return failure.

    3. Append each value in extract, in order, to values.

  5. Return values.

To parse a single range header value from a byte sequence value, run these steps:

  1. Let data be the isomorphic decoding of value.

  2. If data does not start with "bytes=", then return failure.

  3. Let position be a position variable for data, initially pointing at the 6th code point of data.

  4. Let rangeStart be the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are ASCII digits, from data given position.

  5. Let rangeStartValue be rangeStart, interpreted as decimal number, if rangeStart is not the empty string; otherwise null.

  6. If the code point at position within data is not U+002D (-), then return failure.

  7. Advance position by 1.

  8. Let rangeEnd be the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are ASCII digits, from data given position.

  9. Let rangeEndValue be rangeEnd, interpreted as decimal number, if rangeEnd is not the empty string; otherwise null.

  10. If position is not past the end of data, then return failure.

  11. If rangeEndValue and rangeStartValue are null, then return failure.

  12. If rangeStartValue and rangeEndValue are numbers, and rangeStartValue is greater than rangeEndValue, then return failure.

  13. Return (rangeStartValue, rangeEndValue).

    The range end or start can be omitted, e.g., `bytes=0-` or `bytes=-500` are valid ranges.

Parse a single range header value succeeds for a subset of allowed range header values, but it is the most common form used by user agents when requesting media or resuming downloads. This format of range header value can be set using add a range header.

A default `User-Agent` value is an implementation-defined header value for the `User-Agent` header.

The document `Accept` header value is `text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8`.

3.2.3. Statuses

A status is an integer in the range 0 to 999, inclusive.

Various edge cases in mapping HTTP/1’s status-code to this concept are worked on in issue #1156.

A null body status is a status that is 101, 103, 204, 205, or 304.

An ok status is a status in the range 200 to 299, inclusive.

A redirect status is a status that is 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308.

3.2.4. Bodies

A body consists of:

To clone a body body, run these steps:

  1. Let « out1, out2 » be the result of teeing body’s stream.

  2. Set body’s stream to out1.

  3. Return a body whose stream is out2 and other members are copied from body.

To get a byte sequence bytes as a body, return the body of the result of safely extracting bytes.

To incrementally read a body body, given an algorithm processBodyChunk, an algorithm processEndOfBody, an algorithm processBodyError, and an optional null, parallel queue, or global object taskDestination (default null), run these steps. processBodyChunk must be an algorithm accepting a byte sequence. processEndOfBody must be an algorithm accepting no arguments. processBodyError must be an algorithm accepting an exception.

  1. If taskDestination is null, then set taskDestination to the result of starting a new parallel queue.

  2. Let reader be the result of getting a reader for body’s stream.

    This operation will not throw an exception.

  3. Perform the incrementally-read loop given reader, taskDestination, processBodyChunk, processEndOfBody, and processBodyError.

To perform the incrementally-read loop, given a ReadableStreamDefaultReader object reader, parallel queue or global object taskDestination, algorithm processBodyChunk, algorithm processEndOfBody, and algorithm processBodyError:

  1. Let readRequest be the following read request:

    chunk steps, given chunk
    1. Let continueAlgorithm be null.

    2. If chunk is not a Uint8Array object, then set continueAlgorithm to this step: run processBodyError given a TypeError.

    3. Otherwise:

      1. Let bytes be a copy of chunk.

        Implementations are strongly encouraged to use an implementation strategy that avoids this copy where possible.

      2. Set continueAlgorithm to these steps:

        1. Run processBodyChunk given bytes.

        2. Perform the incrementally-read loop given reader, taskDestination, processBodyChunk, processEndOfBody, and processBodyError.

    4. Queue a fetch task given continueAlgorithm and taskDestination.

    close steps
    1. Queue a fetch task given processEndOfBody and taskDestination.

    error steps, given e
    1. Queue a fetch task to run processBodyError given e, with taskDestination.

  2. Read a chunk from reader given readRequest.

To fully read a body body, given an algorithm processBody, an algorithm processBodyError, and an optional null, parallel queue, or global object taskDestination (default null), run these steps. processBody must be an algorithm accepting a byte sequence. processBodyError must be an algorithm accepting no arguments.

  1. If taskDestination is null, then set taskDestination to the result of starting a new parallel queue.

  2. Let successSteps given a byte sequence bytes be to queue a fetch task to run processBody given bytes, with taskDestination.

  3. Let errorSteps be to queue a fetch task to run processBodyError, with taskDestination.

  4. Let reader be the result of getting a reader for body’s stream. If that threw an exception, then run errorSteps with that exception and return.

  5. Read all bytes from reader, given successSteps and errorSteps.

A body with type is a tuple that consists of a body (a body) and a type (a header value or null).

To handle content codings given codings and bytes, run these steps:

  1. If codings are not supported, then return bytes.

  2. Return the result of decoding bytes with codings as explained in HTTP, if decoding does not result in an error, and failure otherwise. [HTTP]

3.2.5. Requests

The input to fetch is a request.

A request has an associated method (a method). Unless stated otherwise it is `GET`.

This can be updated during redirects to `GET` as described in HTTP fetch.

A request has an associated URL (a URL).

Implementations are encouraged to make this a pointer to the first URL in request’s URL list. It is provided as a distinct field solely for the convenience of other standards hooking into Fetch.

A request has an associated local-URLs-only flag. Unless stated otherwise it is unset.

A request has an associated header list (a header list). Unless stated otherwise it is « ».

A request has an associated unsafe-request flag. Unless stated otherwise it is unset.

The unsafe-request flag is set by APIs such as fetch() and XMLHttpRequest to ensure a CORS-preflight fetch is done based on the supplied method and header list. It does not free an API from outlawing forbidden methods and forbidden request-headers.

A request has an associated body (null, a byte sequence, or a body). Unless stated otherwise it is null.

A byte sequence will be safely extracted into a body early on in fetch. As part of HTTP fetch it is possible for this field to be set to null due to certain redirects.

A request has an associated client (null or an environment settings object).

A request has an associated reserved client (null, an environment, or an environment settings object). Unless stated otherwise it is null.

This is only used by navigation requests and worker requests, but not service worker requests. It references an environment for a navigation request and an environment settings object for a worker request.

A request has an associated replaces client id (a string). Unless stated otherwise it is the empty string.

This is only used by navigation requests. It is the id of the target browsing context’s active document’s environment settings object.

A request has an associated window ("no-window", "client", or an environment settings object whose global object is a Window object). Unless stated otherwise it is "client".

The "client" value is changed to "no-window" or request’s client during fetching. It provides a convenient way for standards to not have to explicitly set request’s window.

A request has an associated boolean keepalive. Unless stated otherwise it is false.

This can be used to allow the request to outlive the environment settings object, e.g., navigator.sendBeacon() and the HTML img element use this. Requests with this set to true are subject to additional processing requirements.

A request has an associated initiator type, which is null, "audio", "beacon", "body", "css", "early-hint", "embed", "fetch", "font", "frame", "iframe", "image", "img", "input", "link", "object", "ping", "script", "track", "video", "xmlhttprequest", or "other". Unless stated otherwise it is null. [RESOURCE-TIMING]

A request has an associated service-workers mode, that is "all" or "none". Unless stated otherwise it is "all".

This determines which service workers will receive a fetch event for this fetch.

Relevant service workers will get a fetch event for this fetch.
No service workers will get events for this fetch.

A request has an associated initiator, which is the empty string, "download", "imageset", "manifest", "prefetch", "prerender", or "xslt". Unless stated otherwise it is the empty string.

A request’s initiator is not particularly granular for the time being as other specifications do not require it to be. It is primarily a specification device to assist defining CSP and Mixed Content. It is not exposed to JavaScript. [CSP] [MIX]

A request has an associated destination, which is the empty string, "audio", "audioworklet", "document", "embed", "font", "frame", "iframe", "image", "manifest", "object", "paintworklet", "report", "script", "serviceworker", "sharedworker", "style", "track", "video", "webidentity", "worker", or "xslt". Unless stated otherwise it is the empty string.

These are reflected on RequestDestination except for "serviceworker" and "webidentity" as fetches with those destinations skip service workers.

A request’s destination is script-like if it is "audioworklet", "paintworklet", "script", "serviceworker", "sharedworker", or "worker".

Algorithms that use script-like should also consider "xslt" as that too can cause script execution. It is not included in the list as it is not always relevant and might require different behavior.

The following table illustrates the relationship between a request’s initiator, destination, CSP directives, and features. It is not exhaustive with respect to features. Features need to have the relevant values defined in their respective standards.

Initiator Destination CSP directive Features
"" "report" CSP, NEL reports.
"document" HTML’s navigate algorithm (top-level only).
"frame" child-src HTML’s <frame>
"iframe" child-src HTML’s <iframe>
"" connect-src navigator.sendBeacon(), EventSource, HTML’s <a ping=""> and <area ping="">, fetch(), XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket, Cache API
"object" object-src HTML’s <object>
"embed" object-src HTML’s <embed>
"audio" media-src HTML’s <audio>
"font" font-src CSS' @font-face
"image" img-src HTML’s <img src>, /favicon.ico resource, SVG’s <image>, CSS' background-image, CSS' cursor, CSS' list-style-image, …
"audioworklet" script-src audioWorklet.addModule()
"paintworklet" script-src CSS.paintWorklet.addModule()
"script" script-src HTML’s <script>, importScripts()
"serviceworker" child-src, script-src, worker-src navigator.serviceWorker.register()
"sharedworker" child-src, script-src, worker-src SharedWorker
"webidentity" connect-src Federated Credential Management requests
"worker" child-src, script-src, worker-src Worker
"style" style-src HTML’s <link rel=stylesheet>, CSS' @import
"track" media-src HTML’s <track>
"video" media-src HTML’s <video> element
"download" "" HTML’s download="", "Save Link As…" UI
"imageset" "image" img-src HTML’s <img srcset> and <picture>
"manifest" "manifest" manifest-src HTML’s <link rel=manifest>
"prefetch" "" prefetch-src HTML’s <link rel=prefetch>
"prerender" HTML’s <link rel=prerender>
"xslt" "xslt" script-src <?xml-stylesheet>

CSP’s form-action needs to be a hook directly in HTML’s navigate or form submission algorithm.

CSP will also need to check request’s client’s global object’s associated Document’s ancestor navigables for various CSP directives.

A request has an associated priority, which is "high", "low", or "auto". Unless stated otherwise it is "auto".

A request has an associated internal priority (null or an implementation-defined object). Unless otherwise stated it is null.

A request has an associated origin, which is "client" or an origin. Unless stated otherwise it is "client".

"client" is changed to an origin during fetching. It provides a convenient way for standards to not have to set request’s origin.

A request has an associated policy container, which is "client" or a policy container. Unless stated otherwise it is "client".

"client" is changed to a policy container during fetching. It provides a convenient way for standards to not have to set request’s policy container.

A request has an associated referrer, which is "no-referrer", "client", or a URL. Unless stated otherwise it is "client".

"client" is changed to "no-referrer" or a URL during fetching. It provides a convenient way for standards to not have to set request’s referrer.

A request has an associated referrer policy, which is a referrer policy. Unless stated otherwise it is the empty string. [REFERRER]

This can be used to override the referrer policy to be used for this request.

A request has an associated mode, which is "same-origin", "cors", "no-cors", "navigate", or "websocket". Unless stated otherwise, it is "no-cors".

Used to ensure requests are made to same-origin URLs. Fetch will return a network error if the request is not made to a same-origin URL.
For requests whose response tainting gets set to "cors", makes the request a CORS request — in which case, fetch will return a network error if the requested resource does not understand the CORS protocol, or if the requested resource is one that intentionally does not participate in the CORS protocol.
Restricts requests to using CORS-safelisted methods and CORS-safelisted request-headers. Upon success, fetch will return an opaque filtered response.
This is a special mode used only when navigating between documents.
This is a special mode used only when establishing a WebSocket connection.

Even though the default request mode is "no-cors", standards are highly discouraged from using it for new features. It is rather unsafe.

A request has an associated use-CORS-preflight flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

The use-CORS-preflight flag being set is one of several conditions that results in a CORS-preflight request. The use-CORS-preflight flag is set if either one or more event listeners are registered on an XMLHttpRequestUpload object or if a ReadableStream object is used in a request.

A request has an associated credentials mode, which is "omit", "same-origin", or "include". Unless stated otherwise, it is "same-origin".

Excludes credentials from this request, and causes any credentials sent back in the response to be ignored.
Include credentials with requests made to same-origin URLs, and use any credentials sent back in responses from same-origin URLs.
Always includes credentials with this request, and always use any credentials sent back in the response.

Request’s credentials mode controls the flow of credentials during a fetch. When request’s mode is "navigate", its credentials mode is assumed to be "include" and fetch does not currently account for other values. If HTML changes here, this standard will need corresponding changes.

A request has an associated use-URL-credentials flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

When this flag is set, when a request’s URL has a username and password, and there is an available authentication entry for the request, then the URL’s credentials are preferred over that of the authentication entry. Modern specifications avoid setting this flag, since putting credentials in URLs is discouraged, but some older features set it for compatibility reasons.

A request has an associated cache mode, which is "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache", "force-cache", or "only-if-cached". Unless stated otherwise, it is "default".

Fetch will inspect the HTTP cache on the way to the network. If the HTTP cache contains a matching fresh response it will be returned. If the HTTP cache contains a matching stale-while-revalidate response it will be returned, and a conditional network fetch will be made to update the entry in the HTTP cache. If the HTTP cache contains a matching stale response, a conditional network fetch will be returned to update the entry in the HTTP cache. Otherwise, a non-conditional network fetch will be returned to update the entry in the HTTP cache. [HTTP] [HTTP-CACHING] [STALE-WHILE-REVALIDATE]
Fetch behaves as if there is no HTTP cache at all.
Fetch behaves as if there is no HTTP cache on the way to the network. Ergo, it creates a normal request and updates the HTTP cache with the response.
Fetch creates a conditional request if there is a response in the HTTP cache and a normal request otherwise. It then updates the HTTP cache with the response.
Fetch uses any response in the HTTP cache matching the request, not paying attention to staleness. If there was no response, it creates a normal request and updates the HTTP cache with the response.
Fetch uses any response in the HTTP cache matching the request, not paying attention to staleness. If there was no response, it returns a network error. (Can only be used when request’s mode is "same-origin". Any cached redirects will be followed assuming request’s redirect mode is "follow" and the redirects do not violate request’s mode.)

If header list contains `If-Modified-Since`, `If-None-Match`, `If-Unmodified-Since`, `If-Match`, or `If-Range`, fetch will set cache mode to "no-store" if it is "default".

A request has an associated redirect mode, which is "follow", "error", or "manual". Unless stated otherwise, it is "follow".

Follow all redirects incurred when fetching a resource.
Return a network error when a request is met with a redirect.
Retrieves an opaque-redirect filtered response when a request is met with a redirect, to allow a service worker to replay the redirect offline. The response is otherwise indistinguishable from a network error, to not violate atomic HTTP redirect handling.

A request has associated integrity metadata (a string). Unless stated otherwise, it is the empty string.

A request has associated cryptographic nonce metadata (a string). Unless stated otherwise, it is the empty string.

A request has associated parser metadata which is the empty string, "parser-inserted", or "not-parser-inserted". Unless otherwise stated, it is the empty string.

A request’s cryptographic nonce metadata and parser metadata are generally populated from attributes and flags on the HTML element responsible for creating a request. They are used by various algorithms in Content Security Policy to determine whether requests or responses are to be blocked in a given context. [CSP]

A request has an associated reload-navigation flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

This flag is for exclusive use by HTML’s navigate algorithm. [HTML]

A request has an associated history-navigation flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

This flag is for exclusive use by HTML’s navigate algorithm. [HTML]

A request has an associated boolean user-activation. Unless stated otherwise, it is false.

This is for exclusive use by HTML’s navigate algorithm. [HTML]

A request has an associated boolean render-blocking. Unless stated otherwise, it is false.

This flag is for exclusive use by HTML’s render-blocking mechanism. [HTML]

A request has an associated URL list (a list of one or more URLs). Unless stated otherwise, it is a list containing a copy of request’s URL.

A request has an associated current URL. It is a pointer to the last URL in request’s URL list.

A request has an associated redirect count. Unless stated otherwise, it is zero.

A request has an associated response tainting, which is "basic", "cors", or "opaque". Unless stated otherwise, it is "basic".

A request has an associated prevent no-cache cache-control header modification flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

A request has an associated done flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

A request has an associated timing allow failed flag. Unless stated otherwise, it is unset.

A request’s URL list, current URL, redirect count, response tainting, done flag, and timing allow failed flag are used as bookkeeping details by the fetch algorithm.

A subresource request is a request whose destination is "audio", "audioworklet", "font", "image", "manifest", "paintworklet", "script", "style", "track", "video", "xslt", or the empty string.

A non-subresource request is a request whose destination is "document", "embed", "frame", "iframe", "object", "report", "serviceworker", "sharedworker", or "worker".

A navigation request is a request whose destination is "document", "embed", "frame", "iframe", or "object".

See handle fetch for usage of these terms. [SW]

A request request has a redirect-tainted origin if these steps return true:

  1. Let lastURL be null.

  2. For each url of request’s URL list:

    1. If lastURL is null, then set lastURL to url and continue.

    2. If url’s origin is not same origin with lastURL’s origin and request’s origin is not same origin with lastURL’s origin, then return true.

    3. Set lastURL to url.
  3. Return false.

Serializing a request origin, given a request request, is to run these steps:

  1. If request has a redirect-tainted origin, then return "null".

  2. Return request’s origin, serialized.

Byte-serializing a request origin, given a request request, is to return the result of serializing a request origin with request, isomorphic encoded.

To clone a request request, run these steps:

  1. Let newRequest be a copy of request, except for its body.

  2. If request’s body is non-null, set newRequest’s body to the result of cloning request’s body.

  3. Return newRequest.

To add a range header to a request request, with an integer first, and an optional integer last, run these steps:

  1. Assert: last is not given, or first is less than or equal to last.

  2. Let rangeValue be `bytes=`.

  3. Serialize and isomorphic encode first, and append the result to rangeValue.

  4. Append 0x2D (-) to rangeValue.

  5. If last is given, then serialize and isomorphic encode it, and append the result to rangeValue.

  6. Append (`Range`, rangeValue) to request’s header list.

A range header denotes an inclusive byte range. There a range header where first is 0 and last is 500, is a range of 501 bytes.

Features that combine multiple responses into one logical resource are historically a source of security bugs. Please seek security review for features that deal with partial responses.

To serialize a response URL for reporting, given a response response, run these steps:

  1. Assert: response’s URL list is not empty.

  2. Let url be a copy of response’s URL list’s first element.

    This is not response’s URL in order to avoid leaking information about redirect targets (see similar considerations for CSP reporting too). [CSP]

  3. Set the username given url and the empty string.

  4. Set the password given url and the empty string.

  5. Return the serialization of url with exclude fragment set to true.

To check if Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy allows credentials, given a request request, run these steps:

  1. If request’s mode is not "no-cors", then return true.

  2. If request’s client is null, then return true.

  3. If request’s client’s policy container’s embedder policy’s value is not "credentialless", then return true.

  4. If request’s origin is same origin with request’s current URL’s origin and request does not have a redirect-tainted origin, then return true.

  5. Return false.

3.2.6. Responses

The result of fetch is a response. A response evolves over time. That is, not all its fields are available straight away.

A response has an associated type which is "basic", "cors", "default", "error", "opaque", or "opaqueredirect". Unless stated otherwise, it is "default".

A response can have an associated aborted flag, which is initially unset.

This indicates that the request was intentionally aborted by the developer or end-user.

A response has an associated URL. It is a pointer to the last URL in response’s URL list and null if response’s URL list is empty.

A response has an associated URL list (a list of zero or more URLs). Unless stated otherwise, it is « ».

Except for the last URL, if any, a response’s URL list is not exposed to script as that would violate atomic HTTP redirect handling.

A response has an associated status, which is a status. Unless stated otherwise it is 200.

A response has an associated status message. Unless stated otherwise it is the empty byte sequence.

Responses over an HTTP/2 connection will always have the empty byte sequence as status message as HTTP/2 does not support them.

A response has an associated header list (a header list). Unless stated otherwise it is « ».

A response has an associated body (null or a body). Unless stated otherwise it is null.

The source and length concepts of a network’s response’s body are always null.

A response has an associated cache state (the empty string, "local", or "validated"). Unless stated otherwise, it is the empty string.

This is intended for usage by Service Workers and Resource Timing. [SW] [RESOURCE-TIMING]

A response has an associated CORS-exposed header-name list (a list of zero or more header names). The list is empty unless otherwise specified.

A response will typically get its CORS-exposed header-name list set by extracting header values from the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` header. This list is used by a CORS filtered response to determine which headers to expose.

A response has an associated range-requested flag, which is initially unset.

This is used to prevent a partial response from an earlier ranged request being provided to an API that didn’t make a range request. See the flag’s usage for a detailed description of the attack.

A response has an associated request-includes-credentials (a boolean), which is initially true.

A response has an associated timing allow passed flag, which is initially unset.

This is used so that the caller to a fetch can determine if sensitive timing data is allowed on the resource fetched by looking at the flag of the response returned. Because the flag on the response of a redirect has to be set if it was set for previous responses in the redirect chain, this is also tracked internally using the request’s timing allow failed flag.

A response has an associated body info (a response body info). Unless stated otherwise, it is a new response body info.

A response has an associated service worker timing info (null or a service worker timing info), which is initially null.

A response has an associated has-cross-origin-redirects (a boolean), which is initially false.

A network error is a response whose type is "error", status is 0, status message is the empty byte sequence, header list is « », and body is null.

An aborted network error is a network error whose aborted flag is set.

To create the appropriate network error given fetch params fetchParams:

  1. Assert: fetchParams is canceled.

  2. Return an aborted network error if fetchParams is aborted; otherwise return a network error.

A filtered response is a response that offers a limited view on an associated response. This associated response can be accessed through filtered response’s internal response (a response that is neither a network error nor a filtered response).

Unless stated otherwise a filtered response’s associated concepts (such as its body) refer to the associated concepts of its internal response. (The exceptions to this are listed below as part of defining the concrete types of filtered responses.)

The fetch algorithm by way of processResponse and equivalent parameters exposes filtered responses to callers to ensure they do not accidentally leak information. If the information needs to be revealed for legacy reasons, e.g., to feed image data to a decoder, the associated internal response can be used by specification algorithms.

New specifications ought not to build further on opaque filtered responses or opaque-redirect filtered responses. Those are legacy constructs and cannot always be adequately protected given contemporary computer architecture.

A basic filtered response is a filtered response whose type is "basic" and header list excludes any headers in internal response’s header list whose name is a forbidden response-header name.

A CORS filtered response is a filtered response whose type is "cors" and header list excludes any headers in internal response’s header list whose name is not a CORS-safelisted response-header name, given internal response’s CORS-exposed header-name list.

An opaque filtered response is a filtered response whose type is "opaque", URL list is « », status is 0, status message is the empty byte sequence, header list is « », and body is null.

An opaque-redirect filtered response is a filtered response whose type is "opaqueredirect", status is 0, status message is the empty byte sequence, header list is « », and body is null.

Exposing the URL list for opaque-redirect filtered responses is harmless since no redirects are followed.

In other words, an opaque filtered response and an opaque-redirect filtered response are nearly indistinguishable from a network error. When introducing new APIs, do not use the internal response for internal specification algorithms as that will leak information.

This also means that JavaScript APIs, such as response.ok, will return rather useless results.

The type of a response is exposed to script through the type getter:

console.log(new Response().type); // "default"

console.log((await fetch("/")).type); // "basic"

console.log((await fetch("https://api.example/status")).type); // "cors"

console.log((await fetch("https://crossorigin.example/image", { mode: "no-cors" })).type); // "opaque"

console.log((await fetch("/surprise-me", { redirect: "manual" })).type); // "opaqueredirect"

(This assumes that the various resources exist, https://api.example/status has the appropriate CORS headers, and /surprise-me uses a redirect status.)

To clone a response response, run these steps:

  1. If response is a filtered response, then return a new identical filtered response whose internal response is a clone of response’s internal response.

  2. Let newResponse be a copy of response, except for its body.

  3. If response’s body is non-null, then set newResponse’s body to the result of cloning response’s body.

  4. Return newResponse.

A fresh response is a response whose current age is within its freshness lifetime.

A stale-while-revalidate response is a response that is not a fresh response and whose current age is within the stale-while-revalidate lifetime. [HTTP-CACHING] [STALE-WHILE-REVALIDATE]

A stale response is a response that is not a fresh response or a stale-while-revalidate response.

The location URL of a response response, given null or an ASCII string requestFragment, is the value returned by the following steps. They return null, failure, or a URL.

  1. If response’s status is not a redirect status, then return null.

  2. Let location be the result of extracting header list values given `Location` and response’s header list.

  3. If location is a header value, then set location to the result of parsing location with response’s URL.

    If response was constructed through the Response constructor, response’s URL will be null, meaning that location will only parse successfully if it is an absolute-URL-with-fragment string.

  4. If location is a URL whose fragment is null, then set location’s fragment to requestFragment.

    This ensures that synthetic (indeed, all) responses follow the processing model for redirects defined by HTTP. [HTTP]

  5. Return location.

The location URL algorithm is exclusively used for redirect handling in this standard and in HTML’s navigate algorithm which handles redirects manually. [HTML]

3.2.7. Miscellaneous

A potential destination is "fetch" or a destination which is not the empty string.

To translate a potential destination potentialDestination, run these steps:

  1. If potentialDestination is "fetch", then return the empty string.

  2. Assert: potentialDestination is a destination.

  3. Return potentialDestination.

3.3. Authentication entries

An authentication entry and a proxy-authentication entry are tuples of username, password, and realm, used for HTTP authentication and HTTP proxy authentication, and associated with one or more requests.

User agents should allow both to be cleared together with HTTP cookies and similar tracking functionality.

Further details are defined by HTTP. [HTTP] [HTTP-CACHING]

3.4. Fetch groups

Each environment settings object has an associated fetch group.

A fetch group holds an ordered list of fetch records.

A fetch record has an associated request (a request).

A fetch record has an associated controller (a fetch controller or null).

When a fetch group is terminated, for each associated fetch record whose fetch record’s controller is non-null, and whose request’s done flag is unset or keepalive is false, terminate the fetch record’s controller.

3.5. Resolving domains

There is a tracking vector here. To resolve an origin, given a network partition key key and an origin origin:

  1. If origin’s host is an IP address, then return « origin’s host ».

  2. If origin’s host’s public suffix is "localhost" or "localhost.", then return « ::1, ».

  3. Perform an implementation-defined operation to turn origin into a set of one or more IP addresses.

    It is also implementation-defined whether other operations might be performed to get connection information beyond just IP addresses. For example, if origin’s scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme, the implementation might perform a DNS query for HTTPS RRs. [SVCB]

    If this operation succeeds, return the set of IP addresses and any additional implementation-defined information.

  4. Return failure.

The results of resolve an origin may be cached. If they are cached, key should be used as part of the cache key.

Typically this operation would involve DNS and as such caching can happen on DNS servers without key being taken into account. Depending on the implementation it might also not be possible to take key into account locally. [RFC1035]

The order of the IP addresses that the resolve an origin algorithm can return can differ between invocations.

The particulars (apart from the cache key) are not tied down as they are not pertinent to the system the Fetch Standard establishes. Other documents ought not to build on this primitive without having a considered discussion with the Fetch Standard community first.

3.6. Connections

A user agent has an associated connection pool. A connection pool is an ordered set of zero or more connections. Each connection is identified by an associated key (a network partition key), origin (an origin), and credentials (a boolean).

Each connection has an associated timing info (a connection timing info).

A connection timing info is a struct used to maintain timing information pertaining to the process of obtaining a connection. It has the following items:

domain lookup start time (default 0)
domain lookup end time (default 0)
connection start time (default 0)
connection end time (default 0)
secure connection start time (default 0)
A DOMHighResTimeStamp.
ALPN negotiated protocol (default the empty byte sequence)
A byte sequence.

To clamp and coarsen connection timing info, given a connection timing info timingInfo, a DOMHighResTimeStamp defaultStartTime, and a boolean crossOriginIsolatedCapability, run these steps:

  1. If timingInfo’s connection start time is less than defaultStartTime, then return a new connection timing info whose domain lookup start time is defaultStartTime, domain lookup end time is defaultStartTime, connection start time is defaultStartTime, connection end time is defaultStartTime, secure connection start time is defaultStartTime, and ALPN negotiated protocol is timingInfo’s ALPN negotiated protocol.

  2. Return a new connection timing info whose domain lookup start time is the result of coarsen time given timingInfo’s domain lookup start time and crossOriginIsolatedCapability, domain lookup end time is the result of coarsen time given timingInfo’s domain lookup end time and crossOriginIsolatedCapability, connection start time is the result of coarsen time given timingInfo’s connection start time and crossOriginIsolatedCapability, connection end time is the result of coarsen time given timingInfo’s connection end time and crossOriginIsolatedCapability, secure connection start time is the result of coarsen time given timingInfo’s connection end time and crossOriginIsolatedCapability, and ALPN negotiated protocol is timingInfo’s ALPN negotiated protocol.

A new connection setting is "no", "yes", or "yes-and-dedicated".

To obtain a connection, given a network partition key key, URL url, boolean credentials, an optional new connection setting new (default "no"), and an optional boolean http3Only (default false), run these steps:

  1. If new is "no", then:

    1. Let connections be a set of connections in the user agent’s connection pool whose key is key, origin is url’s origin, and credentials is credentials.

    2. If connections is not empty and http3Only is false, then return one of connections.

    3. If there is an HTTP/3 connection in connections, then return that connection.

  2. Let proxies be the result of finding proxies for url in an implementation-defined manner. If there are no proxies, let proxies be « "DIRECT" ».

    This is where non-standard technology such as Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) and proxy auto-config (PAC) come into play. The "DIRECT" value means to not use a proxy for this particular url.

  3. Let timingInfo be a new connection timing info.

  4. For each proxy of proxies:

    1. Set timingInfo’s domain lookup start time to the unsafe shared current time.

    2. Let hosts be « url’s origin’s host ».

    3. If proxy is "DIRECT", then set hosts to the result of running resolve an origin given key and url’s origin.

    4. If hosts is failure, then continue.

    5. Set timingInfo’s domain lookup end time to the unsafe shared current time.

    6. Let connection be the result of running this step: run create a connection given key, url’s origin, credentials, proxy, an implementation-defined host from hosts, timingInfo, and http3Only an implementation-defined number of times, in parallel from each other, and wait for at least 1 to return a value. In an implementation-defined manner, select a value to return from the returned values and return it. Any other returned values that are connections may be closed.

      Essentially this allows an implementation to pick one or more IP addresses from the return value of resolve an origin (assuming proxy is "DIRECT") and race them against each other, favor IPv6 addresses, retry in case of a timeout, etc.

    7. If connection is failure, then continue.

    8. If new is not "yes-and-dedicated", then append connection to the user agent’s connection pool.

    9. Return connection.

  5. Return failure.

This is intentionally a little vague as there are a lot of nuances to connection management that are best left to the discretion of implementers. Describing this helps explain the <link rel=preconnect> feature and clearly stipulates that connections are keyed on credentials. The latter clarifies that, e.g., TLS session identifiers are not reused across connections whose credentials are false with connections whose credentials are true.

To create a connection, given a network partition key key, origin origin, boolean credentials, string proxy, host host, connection timing info timingInfo, and boolean http3Only, run these steps:

  1. Set timingInfo’s connection start time to the unsafe shared current time.

  2. Let connection be a new connection whose key is key, origin is origin, credentials is credentials, and timing info is timingInfo. Record connection timing info given connection and use connection to establish an HTTP connection to host, taking proxy and origin into account. [HTTP] [HTTP1] [TLS]

    If http3Only is true, then establish an HTTP/3 connection. [HTTP3]

    When establishing an HTTP/3 connection, include SETTINGS_ENABLE_WEBTRANSPORT with a value of 1 and H3_DATAGRAM with a value of 1 in the initial SETTINGS frame. [WEBTRANSPORT-HTTP3] [HTTP3-DATAGRAM]

    If credentials is false, then do not send a TLS client certificate.

    If establishing a connection does not succeed (e.g., a TCP or TLS error), then return failure.

  3. Set timingInfo’s ALPN negotiated protocol to connection’s ALPN Protocol ID, with the following caveats: [RFC7301]

    • When a proxy is configured, if a tunnel connection is established then this must be the ALPN Protocol ID of the tunneled protocol, otherwise it must be the ALPN Protocol ID of the first hop to the proxy.

    • In case the user agent is using an experimental, non-registered protocol, the user agent must use the used ALPN Protocol ID, if any. If ALPN was not used for protocol negotiations, the user agent may use another descriptive string.

      timingInfo’s ALPN negotiated protocol is intended to identify the network protocol in use regardless of how it was actually negotiated; that is, even if ALPN is not used to negotiate the network protocol, this is the ALPN Protocol IDs that indicates the protocol in use.

    IANA maintains a list of ALPN Protocol IDs.

  4. Return connection.

To record connection timing info given a connection connection, let timingInfo be connection’s timing info and observe these requirements:

The clamp and coarsen connection timing info algorithm ensures that details of reused connections are not exposed and time values are coarsened.

3.7. Network partition keys

A network partition key is a tuple consisting of a site and null or an implementation-defined value.

To determine the network partition key, given an environment environment:

  1. Let topLevelOrigin be environment’s top-level origin.

  2. If topLevelOrigin is null, then set topLevelOrigin to environment’s top-level creation URL’s origin.

  3. Assert: topLevelOrigin is an origin.

  4. Let topLevelSite be the result of obtaining a site, given topLevelOrigin.

  5. Let secondKey be null or an implementation-defined value.

    The second key is intentionally a little vague as the finer points are still evolving. See issue #1035.

  6. Return (topLevelSite, secondKey).

To determine the network partition key, given a request request:

  1. If request’s reserved client is non-null, then return the result of determining the network partition key given request’s reserved client.

  2. If request’s client is non-null, then return the result of determining the network partition key given request’s client.

  3. Return null.

3.8. HTTP cache partitions

To determine the HTTP cache partition, given a request request:

  1. Let key be the result of determining the network partition key given request.

  2. If key is null, then return null.

  3. Return the unique HTTP cache associated with key. [HTTP-CACHING]

3.9. Port blocking

New protocols can avoid the need for blocking ports by negotiating the protocol through TLS using ALPN. The protocol cannot be spoofed through HTTP requests in that case. [RFC7301]

To determine whether fetching a request request should be blocked due to a bad port:

  1. Let url be request’s current URL.

  2. If url’s scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme and url’s port is a bad port, then return blocked.

  3. Return allowed.

A port is a bad port if it is listed in the first column of the following table.

Port Typical service
1 tcpmux
7 echo
9 discard
11 systat
13 daytime
15 netstat
17 qotd
19 chargen
20 ftp-data
21 ftp
22 ssh
23 telnet
25 smtp
37 time
42 name
43 nicname
53 domain
69 tftp
79 finger
95 supdup
101 hostname
102 iso-tsap
103 gppitnp
104 acr-nema
109 pop2
110 pop3
111 sunrpc
113 auth
115 sftp
117 uucp-path
119 nntp
123 ntp
135 epmap
137 netbios-ns
139 netbios-ssn
143 imap
161 snmp
179 bgp
389 ldap
427 svrloc
465 submissions
512 exec
513 login
514 shell
515 printer
526 tempo
530 courier
531 chat
532 netnews
540 uucp
548 afp
554 rtsp
556 remotefs
563 nntps
587 submission
601 syslog-conn
636 ldaps
989 ftps-data
990 ftps
993 imaps
995 pop3s
1719 h323gatestat
1720 h323hostcall
1723 pptp
2049 nfs
3659 apple-sasl
4045 npp
5060 sip
5061 sips
6000 x11
6566 sane-port
6665 ircu
6666 ircu
6667 ircu
6668 ircu
6669 ircu
6697 ircs-u
10080 amanda

3.10. Should response to request be blocked due to its MIME type?

Run these steps:

  1. Let mimeType be the result of extracting a MIME type from response’s header list.

  2. If mimeType is failure, then return allowed.

  3. Let destination be request’s destination.

  4. If destination is script-like and one of the following is true, then return blocked:

  5. Return allowed.

4. HTTP extensions

4.1. `Origin` header

The `Origin` request header indicates where a fetch originates from.

The `Origin` header is a version of the `Referer` [sic] header that does not reveal a path. It is used for all HTTP fetches whose request’s response tainting is "cors", as well as those where request’s method is neither `GET` nor `HEAD`. Due to compatibility constraints it is not included in all fetches.

Its possible values are all the return values of byte-serializing a request origin, given a request.

This supplants the definition in The Web Origin Concept. [ORIGIN]

To append a request `Origin` header, given a request request, run these steps:

  1. Let serializedOrigin be the result of byte-serializing a request origin with request.

  2. If request’s response tainting is "cors" or request’s mode is "websocket", then append (`Origin`, serializedOrigin) to request’s header list.

  3. Otherwise, if request’s method is neither `GET` nor `HEAD`, then:

    1. If request’s mode is not "cors", then switch on request’s referrer policy:


      Set serializedOrigin to `null`.


      If request’s origin is a tuple origin, its scheme is "https", and request’s current URL’s scheme is not "https", then set serializedOrigin to `null`.


      If request’s origin is not same origin with request’s current URL’s origin, then set serializedOrigin to `null`.

      Do nothing.
    2. Append (`Origin`, serializedOrigin) to request’s header list.

A request’s referrer policy is taken into account for all fetches where the fetcher did not explicitly opt into sharing their origin with the server, e.g., via using the CORS protocol.

4.2. CORS protocol

To allow sharing responses cross-origin and allow for more versatile fetches than possible with HTML’s form element, the CORS protocol exists. It is layered on top of HTTP and allows responses to declare they can be shared with other origins.

It needs to be an opt-in mechanism to prevent leaking data from responses behind a firewall (intranets). Additionally, for requests including credentials it needs to be opt-in to prevent leaking potentially-sensitive data.

This section explains the CORS protocol as it pertains to server developers. Requirements for user agents are part of the fetch algorithm, except for the new HTTP header syntax.

4.2.1. General

The CORS protocol consists of a set of headers that indicates whether a response can be shared cross-origin.

For requests that are more involved than what is possible with HTML’s form element, a CORS-preflight request is performed, to ensure request’s current URL supports the CORS protocol.

4.2.2. HTTP requests

A CORS request is an HTTP request that includes an `Origin` header. It cannot be reliably identified as participating in the CORS protocol as the `Origin` header is also included for all requests whose method is neither `GET` nor `HEAD`.

A CORS-preflight request is a CORS request that checks to see if the CORS protocol is understood. It uses `OPTIONS` as method and includes these headers:


Indicates which method a future CORS request to the same resource might use.


Indicates which headers a future CORS request to the same resource might use.

4.2.3. HTTP responses

An HTTP response to a CORS request can include the following headers:


Indicates whether the response can be shared, via returning the literal value of the `Origin` request header (which can be `null`) or `*` in a response.


Indicates whether the response can be shared when request’s credentials mode is "include".

For a CORS-preflight request, request’s credentials mode is always "same-origin", i.e., it excludes credentials, but for any subsequent CORS requests it might not be. Support therefore needs to be indicated as part of the HTTP response to the CORS-preflight request as well.

An HTTP response to a CORS-preflight request can include the following headers:


Indicates which methods are supported by the response’s URL for the purposes of the CORS protocol.

The `Allow` header is not relevant for the purposes of the CORS protocol.


Indicates which headers are supported by the response’s URL for the purposes of the CORS protocol.


Indicates the number of seconds (5 by default) the information provided by the `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` and `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` headers can be cached.

An HTTP response to a CORS request that is not a CORS-preflight request can also include the following header:


Indicates which headers can be exposed as part of the response by listing their names.

A successful HTTP response, i.e., one where the server developer intends to share it, to a CORS request can use any status, as long as it includes the headers stated above with values matching up with the request.

A successful HTTP response to a CORS-preflight request is similar, except it is restricted to an ok status, e.g., 200 or 204.

Any other kind of HTTP response is not successful and will either end up not being shared or fail the CORS-preflight request. Be aware that any work the server performs might nonetheless leak through side channels, such as timing. If server developers wish to denote this explicitly, the 403 status can be used, coupled with omitting the relevant headers.

If desired, “failure” could also be shared, but that would make it a successful HTTP response. That is why for a successful HTTP response to a CORS request that is not a CORS-preflight request the status can be anything, including 403.

Ultimately server developers have a lot of freedom in how they handle HTTP responses and these tactics can differ between the response to the CORS-preflight request and the CORS request that follows it:

4.2.4. HTTP new-header syntax

ABNF for the values of the headers used by the CORS protocol:

Access-Control-Request-Method    = method
Access-Control-Request-Headers   = 1#field-name

wildcard                         = "*"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin      = origin-or-null / wildcard
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials = %s"true" ; case-sensitive
Access-Control-Expose-Headers    = #field-name
Access-Control-Max-Age           = delta-seconds
Access-Control-Allow-Methods     = #method
Access-Control-Allow-Headers     = #field-name

For `Access-Control-Expose-Headers`, `Access-Control-Allow-Methods`, and `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` response headers, the value `*` counts as a wildcard for requests without credentials. For such requests there is no way to solely match a header name or method that is `*`.

4.2.5. CORS protocol and credentials

When request’s credentials mode is "include" it has an impact on the functioning of the CORS protocol other than including credentials in the fetch.

In the old days, XMLHttpRequest could be used to set request’s credentials mode to "include":

var client = new XMLHttpRequest()
client.open("GET", "./")
client.withCredentials = true
/* … */

Nowadays, fetch("./", { credentials:"include" }).then(/* … */) suffices.

A request’s credentials mode is not necessarily observable on the server; only when credentials exist for a request can it be observed by virtue of the credentials being included. Note that even so, a CORS-preflight request never includes credentials.

The server developer therefore needs to decide whether or not responses "tainted" with credentials can be shared. And also needs to decide if requests necessitating a CORS-preflight request can include credentials. Generally speaking, both sharing responses and allowing requests with credentials is rather unsafe, and extreme care has to be taken to avoid the confused deputy problem.

To share responses with credentials, the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` and `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` headers are important. The following table serves to illustrate the various legal and illegal combinations for a request to https://rabbit.invalid/:

Request’s credentials mode `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` Shared? Notes
"omit" `*` Omitted
"omit" `*` `true` If credentials mode is not "include", then `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` is ignored.
"omit" `https://rabbit.invalid/` Omitted A serialized origin has no trailing slash.
"omit" `https://rabbit.invalid` Omitted
"include" `*` `true` If credentials mode is "include", then `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` cannot be `*`.
"include" `https://rabbit.invalid` `true`
"include" `https://rabbit.invalid` `True` `true` is (byte) case-sensitive.

Similarly, `Access-Control-Expose-Headers`, `Access-Control-Allow-Methods`, and `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` response headers can only use `*` as value when request’s credentials mode is not "include".

4.2.6. Examples

A script at https://foo.invalid/ wants to fetch some data from https://bar.invalid/. (Neither credentials nor response header access is important.)

var url = "https://bar.invalid/api?key=730d67a37d7f3d802e96396d00280768773813fbe726d116944d814422fc1a45&data=about:unicorn";
fetch(url).then(success, failure)

This will use the CORS protocol, though this is entirely transparent to the developer from foo.invalid. As part of the CORS protocol, the user agent will include the `Origin` header in the request:

Origin: https://foo.invalid

Upon receiving a response from bar.invalid, the user agent will verify the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header. If its value is either `https://foo.invalid` or `*`, the user agent will invoke the success callback. If it has any other value, or is missing, the user agent will invoke the failure callback.

The developer of foo.invalid is back, and now wants to fetch some data from bar.invalid while also accessing a response header.

fetch(url).then(response => {
  var hsts = response.headers.get("strict-transport-security"),
      csp = response.headers.get("content-security-policy")
  log(hsts, csp)

bar.invalid provides a correct `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header per the earlier example. The values of hsts and csp will depend on the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` response header. For example, if the response included the following headers

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Security-Policy

then hsts would be null and csp would be "default-src 'self'", even though the response did include both headers. This is because bar.invalid needs to explicitly share each header by listing their names in the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` response header.

Alternatively, if bar.invalid wanted to share all its response headers, for requests that do not include credentials, it could use `*` as value for the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` response header. If the request would have included credentials, the response header names would have to be listed explicitly and `*` could not be used.

The developer of foo.invalid returns, now fetching some data from bar.invalid while including credentials. This time around the CORS protocol is no longer transparent to the developer as credentials require an explicit opt-in:

fetch(url, { credentials:"include" }).then(success, failure)

This also makes any `Set-Cookie` response headers bar.invalid includes fully functional (they are ignored otherwise).

The user agent will make sure to include any relevant credentials in the request. It will also put stricter requirements on the response. Not only will bar.invalid need to list `https://foo.invalid` as value for the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header (`*` is not allowed when credentials are involved), the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header has to be present too:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://foo.invalid
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

If the response does not include those two headers with those values, the failure callback will be invoked. However, any `Set-Cookie` response headers will be respected.

4.2.7. CORS protocol exceptions

Specifications have allowed limited exceptions to the CORS safelist for non-safelisted `Content-Type` header values. These exceptions are made for requests that can be triggered by web content but whose headers and bodies can be only minimally controlled by the web content. Therefore, servers should expect cross-origin web content to be allowed to trigger non-preflighted requests with the following non-safelisted `Content-Type` header values:

Specifications should avoid introducing new exceptions and should only do so with careful consideration for the security consequences. New exceptions can be proposed by filing an issue.

4.3. `Content-Length` header

The `Content-Length` header is largely defined in HTTP. Its processing model is defined here as the model defined in HTTP is not compatible with web content. [HTTP]

To extract a length from a header list headers, run these steps:

  1. Let values be the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `Content-Length` from headers.

  2. If values is null, then return null.

  3. Let candidateValue be null.

  4. For each value of values:

    1. If candidateValue is null, then set candidateValue to value.

    2. Otherwise, if value is not candidateValue, return failure.

  5. If candidateValue is the empty string or has a code point that is not an ASCII digit, then return null.

  6. Return candidateValue, interpreted as decimal number.

4.4. `Content-Type` header

The `Content-Type` header is largely defined in HTTP. Its processing model is defined here as the model defined in HTTP is not compatible with web content. [HTTP]

To extract a MIME type from a header list headers, run these steps:

  1. Let charset be null.

  2. Let essence be null.

  3. Let mimeType be null.

  4. Let values be the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `Content-Type` from headers.

  5. If values is null, then return failure.

  6. For each value of values:

    1. Let temporaryMimeType be the result of parsing value.

    2. If temporaryMimeType is failure or its essence is "*/*", then continue.

    3. Set mimeType to temporaryMimeType.

    4. If mimeType’s essence is not essence, then:

      1. Set charset to null.

      2. If mimeType’s parameters["charset"] exists, then set charset to mimeType’s parameters["charset"].

      3. Set essence to mimeType’s essence.

    5. Otherwise, if mimeType’s parameters["charset"] does not exist, and charset is non-null, set mimeType’s parameters["charset"] to charset.

  7. If mimeType is null, then return failure.

  8. Return mimeType.

When extract a MIME type returns failure or a MIME type whose essence is incorrect for a given format, treat this as a fatal error. Existing web platform features have not always followed this pattern, which has been a major source of security vulnerabilities in those features over the years. In contrast, a MIME type’s parameters can typically be safely ignored.

This is how extract a MIME type functions in practice:

Headers (as on the network) Output (serialized)
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=gbk, text/html
Content-Type: text/html;charset=gbk;a=b, text/html;x=y
Content-Type: text/html;charset=gbk;a=b
Content-Type: text/html;x=y
Content-Type: text/html;charset=gbk
Content-Type: x/x
Content-Type: text/html;x=y
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Type: cannot-parse
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Type: */*
Content-Type: text/html

To legacy extract an encoding given failure or a MIME type mimeType and an encoding fallbackEncoding, run these steps:

  1. If mimeType is failure, then return fallbackEncoding.

  2. If mimeType["charset"] does not exist, then return fallbackEncoding.

  3. Let tentativeEncoding be the result of getting an encoding from mimeType["charset"].

  4. If tentativeEncoding is failure, then return fallbackEncoding.

  5. Return tentativeEncoding.

This algorithm allows mimeType to be failure so it can be more easily combined with extract a MIME type.

It is denoted as legacy as modern formats are to exclusively use UTF-8.

4.5. `X-Content-Type-Options` header

The `X-Content-Type-Options` response header can be used to require checking of a response’s `Content-Type` header against the destination of a request.

To determine nosniff, given a header list list, run these steps:

  1. Let values be the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `X-Content-Type-Options` from list.

  2. If values is null, then return false.

  3. If values[0] is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "nosniff", then return true.

  4. Return false.

Web developers and conformance checkers must use the following value ABNF for `X-Content-Type-Options`:

X-Content-Type-Options           = "nosniff" ; case-insensitive

4.5.1. Should response to request be blocked due to nosniff?

Run these steps:

  1. If determine nosniff with response’s header list is false, then return allowed.

  2. Let mimeType be the result of extracting a MIME type from response’s header list.

  3. Let destination be request’s destination.

  4. If destination is script-like and mimeType is failure or is not a JavaScript MIME type, then return blocked.

  5. If destination is "style" and mimeType is failure or its essence is not "text/css", then return blocked.

  6. Return allowed.

Only request destinations that are script-like or "style" are considered as any exploits pertain to them. Also, considering "image" was not compatible with deployed content.

4.6. `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy` header

The `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy` response header can be used to require checking a request’s current URL’s origin against a request’s origin when request’s mode is "no-cors".

Its value ABNF:

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy     = %s"same-origin" / %s"same-site" / %s"cross-origin" ; case-sensitive

To perform a cross-origin resource policy check, given an origin origin, an environment settings object settingsObject, a string destination, a response response, and an optional boolean forNavigation, run these steps:

  1. Set forNavigation to false if it is not given.

  2. Let embedderPolicy be settingsObject’s policy container’s embedder policy.

  3. If the cross-origin resource policy internal check with origin, "unsafe-none", response, and forNavigation returns blocked, then return blocked.

    This step is needed because we don’t want to report violations not related to Cross-Origin Embedder Policy below.

  4. If the cross-origin resource policy internal check with origin, embedderPolicy’s report only value, response, and forNavigation returns blocked, then queue a cross-origin embedder policy CORP violation report with response, settingsObject, destination, and true.

  5. If the cross-origin resource policy internal check with origin, embedderPolicy’s value, response, and forNavigation returns allowed, then return allowed.

  6. Queue a cross-origin embedder policy CORP violation report with response, settingsObject, destination, and false.

  7. Return blocked.

Only HTML’s navigate algorithm uses this check with forNavigation set to true, and it’s always for nested navigations. Otherwise, response is either the internal response of an opaque filtered response or a response which will be the internal response of an opaque filtered response. [HTML]

To perform a cross-origin resource policy internal check, given an origin origin, an embedder policy value embedderPolicyValue, a response response, and a boolean forNavigation, run these steps:

  1. If forNavigation is true and embedderPolicyValue is "unsafe-none", then return allowed.

  2. Let policy be the result of getting `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy` from response’s header list.

    This means that `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-site, same-origin` ends up as allowed below as it will never match anything, as long as embedderPolicyValue is "unsafe-none". Two or more `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy` headers will have the same effect.

  3. If policy is neither `same-origin`, `same-site`, nor `cross-origin`, then set policy to null.

  4. If policy is null, then switch on embedderPolicyValue:


    Do nothing.


    Set policy to `same-origin` if:


    Set policy to `same-origin`.

  5. Switch on policy:


    Return allowed.


    If origin is same origin with response’s URL’s origin, then return allowed.

    Otherwise, return blocked.


    If all of the following are true

    then return allowed.

    Otherwise, return blocked.

    `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-site` does not consider a response delivered via a secure transport to match a non-secure requesting origin, even if their hosts are otherwise same site. Securely-transported responses will only match a securely-transported initiator.

To queue a cross-origin embedder policy CORP violation report, given a response response, an environment settings object settingsObject, a string destination, and a boolean reportOnly, run these steps:

  1. Let endpoint be settingsObject’s policy container’s embedder policy’s report only reporting endpoint if reportOnly is true and settingsObject’s policy container’s embedder policy’s reporting endpoint otherwise.

  2. Let serializedURL be the result of serializing a response URL for reporting with response.

  3. Let disposition be "reporting" if reportOnly is true; otherwise "enforce".

  4. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    key value
    "type" "corp"
    "blockedURL" serializedURL
    "destination" destination
    "disposition" disposition
  5. Generate and queue a report for settingsObject’s global object given the "coep" report type, endpoint, and body. [REPORTING]

4.7. `Sec-Purpose` header

The `Sec-Purpose` HTTP request header specifies that the request serves one or more purposes other than requesting the resource for immediate use by the user.

The `Sec-Purpose` header field is a structured header whose value must be a token.

The sole token defined is prefetch. It indicates the request’s purpose is to fetch a resource that is anticipated to be needed shortly.

The server can use this to adjust the caching expiry for prefetches, to disallow the prefetch, or to treat it differently when counting page visits.

5. Fetching

The algorithm below defines fetching. In broad strokes, it takes a request and one or more algorithms to run at various points during the operation. A response is passed to the last two algorithms listed below. The first two algorithms can be used to capture uploads.

To fetch, given a request request, an optional algorithm processRequestBodyChunkLength, an optional algorithm processRequestEndOfBody, an optional algorithm processEarlyHintsResponse, an optional algorithm processResponse, an optional algorithm processResponseEndOfBody, an optional algorithm processResponseConsumeBody, and an optional boolean useParallelQueue (default false), run the steps below. If given, processRequestBodyChunkLength must be an algorithm accepting an integer representing the number of bytes transmitted. If given, processRequestEndOfBody must be an algorithm accepting no arguments. If given, processEarlyHintsResponse must be an algorithm accepting a response. If given, processResponse must be an algorithm accepting a response. If given, processResponseEndOfBody must be an algorithm accepting a response. If given, processResponseConsumeBody must be an algorithm accepting a response and null, failure, or a byte sequence.

The user agent may be asked to suspend the ongoing fetch. The user agent may either accept or ignore the suspension request. The suspended fetch can be resumed. The user agent should ignore the suspension request if the ongoing fetch is updating the response in the HTTP cache for the request.

The user agent does not update the entry in the HTTP cache for a request if request’s cache mode is "no-store" or a `Cache-Control: no-store` header appears in the response. [HTTP-CACHING]

  1. Assert: request’s mode is "navigate" or processEarlyHintsResponse is null.

    Processing of early hints (responses whose status is 103) is only vetted for navigations.

  2. Let taskDestination be null.

  3. Let crossOriginIsolatedCapability be false.

  4. If request’s client is non-null, then:

    1. Set taskDestination to request’s client’s global object.

    2. Set crossOriginIsolatedCapability to request’s client’s cross-origin isolated capability.

  5. If useParallelQueue is true, then set taskDestination to the result of starting a new parallel queue.

  6. Let timingInfo be a new fetch timing info whose start time and post-redirect start time are the coarsened shared current time given crossOriginIsolatedCapability, and render-blocking is set to request’s render-blocking.

  7. Let fetchParams be a new fetch params whose request is request, timing info is timingInfo, process request body chunk length is processRequestBodyChunkLength, process request end-of-body is processRequestEndOfBody, process early hints response is processEarlyHintsResponse, process response is processResponse, process response consume body is processResponseConsumeBody, process response end-of-body is processResponseEndOfBody, task destination is taskDestination, and cross-origin isolated capability is crossOriginIsolatedCapability.

  8. If request’s body is a byte sequence, then set request’s body to request’s body as a body.

  9. If request’s window is "client", then set request’s window to request’s client, if request’s client’s global object is a Window object; otherwise "no-window".

  10. If request’s origin is "client", then set request’s origin to request’s client’s origin.

  11. If all of the following conditions are true:


    1. Assert: request’s origin is same origin with request’s client’s origin.

    2. Let onPreloadedResponseAvailable be an algorithm that runs the following step given a response response: set fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate to response.

    3. Let foundPreloadedResource be the result of invoking consume a preloaded resource for request’s window, given request’s URL, request’s destination, request’s mode, request’s credentials mode, request’s integrity metadata, and onPreloadedResponseAvailable.

    4. If foundPreloadedResource is true and fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate is null, then set fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate to "pending".

  12. If request’s policy container is "client", then:

    1. If request’s client is non-null, then set request’s policy container to a clone of request’s client’s policy container. [HTML]

    2. Otherwise, set request’s policy container to a new policy container.

  13. If request’s header list does not contain `Accept`, then:

    1. Let value be `*/*`.

    2. If request’s initiator is "prefetch", then set value to the document `Accept` header value.

    3. Otherwise, the user agent should set value to the first matching statement, if any, switching on request’s destination:

      the document `Accept` header value
    4. Append (`Accept`, value) to request’s header list.

  14. If request’s header list does not contain `Accept-Language`, then user agents should append (`Accept-Language, an appropriate header value) to request’s header list.

  15. If request’s internal priority is null, then use request’s priority, initiator, destination, and render-blocking in an implementation-defined manner to set request’s internal priority to an implementation-defined object.

    The implementation-defined object could encompass stream weight and dependency for HTTP/2, priorities used in Extensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTP for transports where it applies (including HTTP/3), and equivalent information used to prioritize dispatch and processing of HTTP/1 fetches. [RFC9218]

  16. If request is a subresource request, then:

    1. Let record be a new fetch record whose request is request and controller is fetchParams’s controller.

    2. Append record to request’s client’s fetch group list of fetch records.

  17. Run main fetch given fetchParams.

  18. Return fetchParams’s controller.

5.1. Main fetch

To main fetch, given a fetch params fetchParams and an optional boolean recursive (default false), run these steps:

  1. Let request be fetchParams’s request.

  2. Let response be null.

  3. If request’s local-URLs-only flag is set and request’s current URL is not local, then set response to a network error.

  4. Run report Content Security Policy violations for request.

  5. Upgrade request to a potentially trustworthy URL, if appropriate.

  6. Upgrade a mixed content request to a potentially trustworthy URL, if appropriate.

  7. If should request be blocked due to a bad port, should fetching request be blocked as mixed content, or should request be blocked by Content Security Policy returns blocked, then set response to a network error.

  8. If request’s referrer policy is the empty string, then set request’s referrer policy to request’s policy container’s referrer policy.

  9. If request’s referrer is not "no-referrer", then set request’s referrer to the result of invoking determine request’s referrer. [REFERRER]

    As stated in Referrer Policy, user agents can provide the end user with options to override request’s referrer to "no-referrer" or have it expose less sensitive information.

  10. Set request’s current URL’s scheme to "https" if all of the following conditions are true:

    As all DNS operations are generally implementation-defined, how it is determined that DNS resolution contains an HTTPS RR is also implementation-defined. As DNS operations are not traditionally performed until attempting to obtain a connection, user agents might need to perform DNS operations earlier, consult local DNS caches, or wait until later in the fetch algorithm and potentially unwind logic on discovering the need to change request’s current URL’s scheme.

  11. If recursive is false, then run the remaining steps in parallel.

  12. If response is null, then set response to the result of running the steps corresponding to the first matching statement:

    fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate is non-null
    1. Wait until fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate is not "pending".

    2. Assert: fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate is a response.

    3. Return fetchParams’s preloaded response candidate.

    request’s current URL’s origin is same origin with request’s origin, and request’s response tainting is "basic"
    request’s current URL’s scheme is "data"
    request’s mode is "navigate" or "websocket"
    1. Set request’s response tainting to "basic".

    2. Return the result of running scheme fetch given fetchParams.

    HTML assigns any documents and workers created from URLs whose scheme is "data" a unique opaque origin. Service workers can only be created from URLs whose scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme. [HTML] [SW]

    request’s mode is "same-origin"

    Return a network error.

    request’s mode is "no-cors"
    1. If request’s redirect mode is not "follow", then return a network error.

    2. Set request’s response tainting to "opaque".

    3. Return the result of running scheme fetch given fetchParams.

    request’s current URL’s scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme

    Return a network error.

    request’s use-CORS-preflight flag is set
    request’s unsafe-request flag is set and either request’s method is not a CORS-safelisted method or CORS-unsafe request-header names with request’s header list is not empty
    1. Set request’s response tainting to "cors".

    2. Let corsWithPreflightResponse be the result of running HTTP fetch given fetchParams and true.

    3. If corsWithPreflightResponse is a network error, then clear cache entries using request.

    4. Return corsWithPreflightResponse.

    1. Set request’s response tainting to "cors".

    2. Return the result of running HTTP fetch given fetchParams.

  13. If recursive is true, then return response.

  14. If response is not a network error and response is not a filtered response, then:

    1. If request’s response tainting is "cors", then:

      1. Let headerNames be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` and response’s header list.

      2. If request’s credentials mode is not "include" and headerNames contains `*`, then set response’s CORS-exposed header-name list to all unique header names in response’s header list.

      3. Otherwise, if headerNames is non-null or failure, then set response’s CORS-exposed header-name list to headerNames.

        One of the headerNames can still be `*` at this point, but will only match a header whose name is `*`.

    2. Set response to the following filtered response with response as its internal response, depending on request’s response tainting:

      basic filtered response
      CORS filtered response
      opaque filtered response
  15. Let internalResponse be response, if response is a network error, and response’s internal response otherwise.

  16. If internalResponse’s URL list is empty, then set it to a clone of request’s URL list.

    A response’s URL list can be empty (for example, when the response represents an about URL).

  17. If request has a redirect-tainted origin, then set internalResponse’s has-cross-origin-redirects to true.

  18. If request’s timing allow failed flag is unset, then set internalResponse’s timing allow passed flag.

  19. If response is not a network error and any of the following returns blocked

    then set response and internalResponse to a network error.

  20. If response’s type is "opaque", internalResponse’s status is 206, internalResponse’s range-requested flag is set, and request’s header list does not contain `Range`, then set response and internalResponse to a network error.

    Traditionally, APIs accept a ranged response even if a range was not requested. This prevents a partial response from an earlier ranged request being provided to an API that did not make a range request.

    Further details

    The above steps prevent the following attack:

    A media element is used to request a range of a cross-origin HTML resource. Although this is invalid media, a reference to a clone of the response can be retained in a service worker. This can later be used as the response to a script element’s fetch. If the partial response is valid JavaScript (even though the whole resource is not), executing it would leak private data.

  21. If response is not a network error and either request’s method is `HEAD` or `CONNECT`, or internalResponse’s status is a null body status, set internalResponse’s body to null and disregard any enqueuing toward it (if any).

    This standardizes the error handling for servers that violate HTTP.

  22. If request’s integrity metadata is not the empty string, then:

    1. Let processBodyError be this step: run fetch response handover given fetchParams and a network error.

    2. If response’s body is null, then run processBodyError and abort these steps.

    3. Let processBody given bytes be these steps:

      1. If bytes do not match request’s integrity metadata, then run processBodyError and abort these steps. [SRI]

      2. Set response’s body to bytes as a body.

      3. Run fetch response handover given fetchParams and response.

    4. Fully read response’s body given processBody and processBodyError.

  23. Otherwise, run fetch response handover given fetchParams and response.

The fetch response handover, given a fetch params fetchParams and a response response, run these steps:

  1. Let timingInfo be fetchParams’s timing info.

  2. If response is not a network error and fetchParams’s request’s client is a secure context, then set timingInfo’s server-timing headers to the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `Server-Timing` from response’s internal response’s header list.

    Using _response_’s internal response is safe as exposing `Server-Timing` header data is guarded through the `Timing-Allow-Origin` header.

    The user agent may decide to expose `Server-Timing` headers to non-secure contexts requests as well.

  3. Let processResponseEndOfBody be the following steps:

    1. Let unsafeEndTime be the unsafe shared current time.

    2. If fetchParams’s request’s destination is "document", then set fetchParams’s controller’s full timing info to fetchParams’s timing info.

    3. Set fetchParams’s controller’s report timing steps to the following steps given a global object global:

      1. If fetchParams’s request’s URL’s scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then return.

      2. Set timingInfo’s end time to the relative high resolution time given unsafeEndTime and global.

      3. Let cacheState be response’s cache state.

      4. Let bodyInfo be response’s body info.

      5. If response’s timing allow passed flag is not set, then set timingInfo to the result of creating an opaque timing info for timingInfo, set bodyInfo to a new response body info, and set cacheState to the empty string.

        This covers the case of response being a network error.

      6. Let responseStatus be 0 if fetchParams’s request’s mode is "navigate" and response’s has-cross-origin-redirects is true; otherwise response’s status.

      7. If fetchParams’s request’s initiator type is non-null, then mark resource timing given timingInfo, fetchParams’s request’s URL, fetchParams’s request’s initiator type, global, cacheState, bodyInfo, and responseStatus.

    4. Let processResponseEndOfBodyTask be the following steps:

      1. Set fetchParams’s request’s done flag.

      2. If fetchParams’s process response end-of-body is non-null, then run fetchParams’s process response end-of-body given response.

      3. If fetchParams’s request’s initiator type is non-null and fetchParams’s request’s client’s global object is fetchParams’s task destination, then run fetchParams’s controller’s report timing steps given fetchParams’s request’s client’s global object.

    5. Queue a fetch task to run processResponseEndOfBodyTask with fetchParams’s task destination.

  4. If fetchParams’s process response is non-null, then queue a fetch task to run fetchParams’s process response given response, with fetchParams’s task destination.

  5. If response’s body is null, then run processResponseEndOfBody.

  6. Otherwise:

    1. Let transformStream be a new TransformStream.

    2. Let identityTransformAlgorithm be an algorithm which, given chunk, enqueues chunk in transformStream.

    3. Set up transformStream with transformAlgorithm set to identityTransformAlgorithm and flushAlgorithm set to processResponseEndOfBody.

    4. Set response’s body’s stream to the result of response’s body’s stream piped through transformStream.

    This TransformStream is needed for the purpose of receiving a notification when the stream reaches its end, and is otherwise an identity transform stream.

  7. If fetchParams’s process response consume body is non-null, then:

    1. Let processBody given nullOrBytes be this step: run fetchParams’s process response consume body given response and nullOrBytes.

    2. Let processBodyError be this step: run fetchParams’s process response consume body given response and failure.

    3. If response’s body is null, then queue a fetch task to run processBody given null, with fetchParams’s task destination.

    4. Otherwise, fully read response’s body given processBody, processBodyError, and fetchParams’s task destination.

5.2. Scheme fetch

To scheme fetch, given a fetch params fetchParams:

  1. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.

  2. Let request be fetchParams’s request.

  3. Switch on request’s current URL’s scheme and run the associated steps:


    If request’s current URL’s path is the string "blank", then return a new response whose status message is `OK`, header list is « (`Content-Type`, `text/html;charset=utf-8`) », and body is the empty byte sequence as a body.

    URLs such as "about:config" are handled during navigation and result in a network error in the context of fetching.

    1. Let blobURLEntry be request’s current URL’s blob URL entry.

    2. If request’s method is not `GET`, blobURLEntry is null, or blobURLEntry’s object is not a Blob object, then return a network error. [FILEAPI]

      The `GET` method restriction serves no useful purpose other than being interoperable.

    3. Let bodyWithType be the result of safely extracting blobURLEntry’s object.

    4. Let body be bodyWithType’s body.

    5. Let length be body’s length, serialized and isomorphic encoded.

    6. Let type be bodyWithType’s type if it is non-null; otherwise the empty byte sequence.

    7. Return a new response whose status message is `OK`, header list is « (`Content-Length`, length), (`Content-Type`, type) », and body is body.

    1. Let dataURLStruct be the result of running the data: URL processor on request’s current URL.

    2. If dataURLStruct is failure, then return a network error.

    3. Let mimeType be dataURLStruct’s MIME type, serialized.

    4. Return a new response whose status message is `OK`, header list is « (`Content-Type`, mimeType) », and body is dataURLStruct’s body as a body.


    For now, unfortunate as it is, file: URLs are left as an exercise for the reader.

    When in doubt, return a network error.

    HTTP(S) scheme

    Return the result of running HTTP fetch given fetchParams.

  4. Return a network error.

5.3. HTTP fetch

To HTTP fetch, given a fetch params fetchParams and an optional boolean makeCORSPreflight (default false), run these steps:

  1. Let request be fetchParams’s request.

  2. Let response be null.

  3. Let actualResponse be null.

  4. If request’s service-workers mode is "all", then:

    1. Let requestForServiceWorker be a clone of request.

    2. If requestForServiceWorker’s body is non-null, then:

      1. Let transformStream be a new TransformStream.

      2. Let transformAlgorithm given chunk be these steps:

        1. If fetchParams is canceled, then abort these steps.

        2. If chunk is not a Uint8Array object, then terminate fetchParams’s controller.

        3. Otherwise, enqueue chunk in transformStream. The user agent may split the chunk into implementation-defined practical sizes and enqueue each of them. The user agent also may concatenate the chunks into an implementation-defined practical size and enqueue it.

      3. Set up transformStream with transformAlgorithm set to transformAlgorithm.

      4. Set requestForServiceWorker’s body’s stream to the result of requestForServiceWorker’s body’s stream piped through transformStream.

    3. Let serviceWorkerStartTime be the coarsened shared current time given fetchParams’s cross-origin isolated capability.

    4. Set response to the result of invoking handle fetch for requestForServiceWorker, with fetchParams’s controller and fetchParams’s cross-origin isolated capability. [HTML] [SW]

    5. If response is non-null, then:

      1. Set fetchParams’s timing info’s final service worker start time to serviceWorkerStartTime.

      2. If request’s body is non-null, then cancel request’s body with undefined.
      3. Set actualResponse to response, if response is not a filtered response, and to response’s internal response otherwise.

      4. If one of the following is true

        • response’s type is "error"

        • request’s mode is "same-origin" and response’s type is "cors"

        • request’s mode is not "no-cors" and response’s type is "opaque"

        • request’s redirect mode is not "manual" and response’s type is "opaqueredirect"
        • request’s redirect mode is not "follow" and response’s URL list has more than one item.

        then return a network error.

  5. If response is null, then:

    1. If makeCORSPreflight is true and one of these conditions is true:


      1. Let preflightResponse be the result of running CORS-preflight fetch given request.

      2. If preflightResponse is a network error, then return preflightResponse.

      This step checks the CORS-preflight cache and if there is no suitable entry it performs a CORS-preflight fetch which, if successful, populates the cache. The purpose of the CORS-preflight fetch is to ensure the fetched resource is familiar with the CORS protocol. The cache is there to minimize the number of CORS-preflight fetches.

    2. If request’s redirect mode is "follow", then set request’s service-workers mode to "none".

      Redirects coming from the network (as opposed to from a service worker) are not to be exposed to a service worker.

    3. Set response and actualResponse to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams.

    4. If request’s response tainting is "cors" and a CORS check for request and response returns failure, then return a network error.

      As the CORS check is not to be applied to responses whose status is 304 or 407, or responses from a service worker for that matter, it is applied here.

    5. If the TAO check for request and response returns failure, then set request’s timing allow failed flag.

  6. If either request’s response tainting or response’s type is "opaque", and the cross-origin resource policy check with request’s origin, request’s client, request’s destination, and actualResponse returns blocked, then return a network error.

    The cross-origin resource policy check runs for responses coming from the network and responses coming from the service worker. This is different from the CORS check, as request’s client and the service worker can have different embedder policies.

  7. If actualResponse’s status is a redirect status, then:

    1. If actualResponse’s status is not 303, request’s body is non-null, and the connection uses HTTP/2, then user agents may, and are even encouraged to, transmit an RST_STREAM frame.

      303 is excluded as certain communities ascribe special status to it.

    2. Switch on request’s redirect mode:


      Set response to a network error.


      Set response to an opaque-redirect filtered response whose internal response is actualResponse. If request’s mode is "navigate", then set fetchParams’s controller’s next manual redirect steps to run HTTP-redirect fetch given fetchParams and response.


      Set response to the result of running HTTP-redirect fetch given fetchParams and response.

  8. Return response. Typically actualResponse’s body’s stream is still being enqueued to after returning.

5.4. HTTP-redirect fetch

To HTTP-redirect fetch, given a fetch params fetchParams and a response response, run these steps:

  1. Let request be fetchParams’s request.

  2. Let actualResponse be response, if response is not a filtered response, and response’s internal response otherwise.

  3. Let locationURL be actualResponse’s location URL given request’s current URL’s fragment.

  4. If locationURL is null, then return response.

  5. If locationURL is failure, then return a network error.

  6. If locationURL’s scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then return a network error.

  7. If request’s redirect count is 20, then return a network error.

  8. Increase request’s redirect count by 1.

  9. If request’s mode is "cors", locationURL includes credentials, and request’s origin is not same origin with locationURL’s origin, then return a network error.

  10. If request’s response tainting is "cors" and locationURL includes credentials, then return a network error.

    This catches a cross-origin resource redirecting to a same-origin URL.

  11. If actualResponse’s status is not 303, request’s body is non-null, and request’s body’s source is null, then return a network error.

  12. If one of the following is true

    • actualResponse’s status is 301 or 302 and request’s method is `POST`

    • actualResponse’s status is 303 and request’s method is not `GET` or `HEAD`


    1. Set request’s method to `GET` and request’s body to null.

    2. For each headerName of request-body-header name, delete headerName from request’s header list.

  13. If request’s current URL’s origin is not same origin with locationURL’s origin, then for each headerName of CORS non-wildcard request-header name, delete headerName from request’s header list.

    I.e., the moment another origin is seen after the initial request, the `Authorization` header is removed.

  14. If request’s body is non-null, then set request’s body to the body of the result of safely extracting request’s body’s source.

    request’s body’s source’s nullity has already been checked.

  15. Let timingInfo be fetchParams’s timing info.

  16. Set timingInfo’s redirect end time and post-redirect start time to the coarsened shared current time given fetchParams’s cross-origin isolated capability.

  17. If timingInfo’s redirect start time is 0, then set timingInfo’s redirect start time to timingInfo’s start time.

  18. Append locationURL to request’s URL list.

  19. Invoke set request’s referrer policy on redirect on request and actualResponse. [REFERRER]

  20. Return the result of running main fetch given fetchParams and true.

    This has to invoke main fetch to get request’s response tainting correct.

5.5. HTTP-network-or-cache fetch

To HTTP-network-or-cache fetch, given a fetch params fetchParams, an optional boolean isAuthenticationFetch (default false), and an optional boolean isNewConnectionFetch (default false), run these steps:

Some implementations might support caching of partial content, as per HTTP Caching. However, this is not widely supported by browser caches. [HTTP-CACHING]

  1. Let request be fetchParams’s request.

  2. Let httpFetchParams be null.

  3. Let httpRequest be null.

  4. Let response be null.

  5. Let storedResponse be null.

  6. Let httpCache be null.

  7. Let the revalidatingFlag be unset.

  8. Run these steps, but abort when fetchParams is canceled:

    1. If request’s window is "no-window" and request’s redirect mode is "error", then set httpFetchParams to fetchParams and httpRequest to request.

    2. Otherwise:

      1. Set httpRequest to a clone of request.

        Implementations are encouraged to avoid teeing request’s body’s stream when request’s body’s source is null as only a single body is needed in that case. E.g., when request’s body’s source is null, redirects and authentication will end up failing the fetch.

      2. Set httpFetchParams to a copy of fetchParams.

      3. Set httpFetchParams’s request to httpRequest.

    3. Let includeCredentials be true if one of

      is true; otherwise false.

    4. If Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy allows credentials with request returns false, then set includeCredentials to false.

    5. Let contentLength be httpRequest’s body’s length, if httpRequest’s body is non-null; otherwise null.

    6. Let contentLengthHeaderValue be null.

    7. If httpRequest’s body is null and httpRequest’s method is `POST` or `PUT`, then set contentLengthHeaderValue to `0`.

    8. If contentLength is non-null, then set contentLengthHeaderValue to contentLength, serialized and isomorphic encoded.

    9. If contentLengthHeaderValue is non-null, then append (`Content-Length`, contentLengthHeaderValue) to httpRequest’s header list.

    10. If contentLength is non-null and httpRequest’s keepalive is true, then:

      1. Let inflightKeepaliveBytes be 0.

      2. Let group be httpRequest’s client’s fetch group.

      3. Let inflightRecords be the set of fetch records in group whose request’s keepalive is true and done flag is unset.

      4. For each fetchRecord of inflightRecords:

        1. Let inflightRequest be fetchRecord’s request.

        2. Increment inflightKeepaliveBytes by inflightRequest’s body’s length.

      5. If the sum of contentLength and inflightKeepaliveBytes is greater than 64 kibibytes, then return a network error.

      The above limit ensures that requests that are allowed to outlive the environment settings object and contain a body, have a bounded size and are not allowed to stay alive indefinitely.

    11. If httpRequest’s referrer is a URL, then:

      1. Let referrerValue be httpRequest’s referrer, serialized and isomorphic encoded.

      2. Append (`Referer`, referrerValue) to httpRequest’s header list.

    12. Append a request `Origin` header for httpRequest.

    13. Append the Fetch metadata headers for httpRequest. [FETCH-METADATA]

    14. If httpRequest’s initiator is "prefetch", then set a structured field value given (`Sec-Purpose`, the token prefetch) in httpRequest’s header list.

    15. If httpRequest’s header list does not contain `User-Agent`, then user agents should append (`User-Agent`, default `User-Agent` value) to httpRequest’s header list.

    16. If httpRequest’s cache mode is "default" and httpRequest’s header list contains `If-Modified-Since`, `If-None-Match`, `If-Unmodified-Since`, `If-Match`, or `If-Range`, then set httpRequest’s cache mode to "no-store".

    17. If httpRequest’s cache mode is "no-cache", httpRequest’s prevent no-cache cache-control header modification flag is unset, and httpRequest’s header list does not contain `Cache-Control`, then append (`Cache-Control`, `max-age=0`) to httpRequest’s header list.

    18. If httpRequest’s cache mode is "no-store" or "reload", then:

      1. If httpRequest’s header list does not contain `Pragma`, then append (`Pragma`, `no-cache`) to httpRequest’s header list.

      2. If httpRequest’s header list does not contain `Cache-Control`, then append (`Cache-Control`, `no-cache`) to httpRequest’s header list.

    19. If httpRequest’s header list contains `Range`, then append (`Accept-Encoding`, `identity`) to httpRequest’s header list.

      This avoids a failure when handling content codings with a part of an encoded response.

      Additionally, many servers mistakenly ignore `Range` headers if a non-identity encoding is accepted.

    20. Modify httpRequest’s header list per HTTP. Do not append a given header if httpRequest’s header list contains that header’s name.

      It would be great if we could make this more normative somehow. At this point headers such as `Accept-Encoding`, `Connection`, `DNT`, and `Host`, are to be appended if necessary.

      `Accept`, `Accept-Charset`, and `Accept-Language` must not be included at this point.

      `Accept` and `Accept-Language` are already included (unless fetch() is used, which does not include the latter by default), and `Accept-Charset` is a waste of bytes. See HTTP header layer division for more details.

    21. If includeCredentials is true, then:

      1. If the user agent is not configured to block cookies for httpRequest (see section 7 of [COOKIES]), then:

        1. Let cookies be the result of running the "cookie-string" algorithm (see section 5.4 of [COOKIES]) with the user agent’s cookie store and httpRequest’s current URL.

        2. If cookies is not the empty string, then append (`Cookie`, cookies) to httpRequest’s header list.
      2. If httpRequest’s header list does not contain `Authorization`, then:

        1. Let authorizationValue be null.

        2. If there’s an authentication entry for httpRequest and either httpRequest’s use-URL-credentials flag is unset or httpRequest’s current URL does not include credentials, then set authorizationValue to authentication entry.

        3. Otherwise, if httpRequest’s current URL does include credentials and isAuthenticationFetch is true, set authorizationValue to httpRequest’s current URL, converted to an `Authorization` value.

        4. If authorizationValue is non-null, then append (`Authorization`, authorizationValue) to httpRequest’s header list.

    22. If there’s a proxy-authentication entry, use it as appropriate.

      This intentionally does not depend on httpRequest’s credentials mode.

    23. Set httpCache to the result of determining the HTTP cache partition, given httpRequest.

    24. If httpCache is null, then set httpRequest’s cache mode to "no-store".

    25. If httpRequest’s cache mode is neither "no-store" nor "reload", then:

      1. Set storedResponse to the result of selecting a response from the httpCache, possibly needing validation, as per the "Constructing Responses from Caches" chapter of HTTP Caching, if any. [HTTP-CACHING]

        As mandated by HTTP, this still takes the `Vary` header into account.

      2. If storedResponse is non-null, then:

        1. If cache mode is "default", storedResponse is a stale-while-revalidate response, and httpRequest’s client is non-null, then:

          1. Set response to storedResponse.

          2. Set response’s cache state to "local".

          3. Let revalidateRequest be a clone of request.

          4. Set revalidateRequest’s cache mode set to "no-cache".

          5. Set revalidateRequest’s prevent no-cache cache-control header modification flag.

          6. Set revalidateRequest’s service-workers mode set to "none".

          7. In parallel, run main fetch given a new fetch params whose request is revalidateRequest.

            This fetch is only meant to update the state of httpCache and the response will be unused until another cache access. The stale response will be used as the response to current request. This fetch is issued in the context of a client so if it goes away the request will be terminated.

        2. Otherwise:

          1. If storedResponse is a stale response, then set the revalidatingFlag.

          2. If the revalidatingFlag is set and httpRequest’s cache mode is neither "force-cache" nor "only-if-cached", then:

            1. If storedResponse’s header list contains `ETag`, then append (`If-None-Match`, `ETag`'s value) to httpRequest’s header list.

            2. If storedResponse’s header list contains `Last-Modified`, then append (`If-Modified-Since`, `Last-Modified`'s value) to httpRequest’s header list.

            See also the "Sending a Validation Request" chapter of HTTP Caching. [HTTP-CACHING]

          3. Otherwise, set response to storedResponse and set response’s cache state to "local".

  9. If aborted, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.

  10. If response is null, then:

    1. If httpRequest’s cache mode is "only-if-cached", then return a network error.

    2. Let forwardResponse be the result of running HTTP-network fetch given httpFetchParams, includeCredentials, and isNewConnectionFetch.

    3. If httpRequest’s method is unsafe and forwardResponse’s status is in the range 200 to 399, inclusive, invalidate appropriate stored responses in httpCache, as per the "Invalidating Stored Responses" chapter of HTTP Caching, and set storedResponse to null. [HTTP-CACHING]

    4. If the revalidatingFlag is set and forwardResponse’s status is 304, then:

      1. Update storedResponse’s header list using forwardResponse’s header list, as per the "Freshening Stored Responses upon Validation" chapter of HTTP Caching. [HTTP-CACHING]

        This updates the stored response in cache as well.

      2. Set response to storedResponse.

      3. Set response’s cache state to "validated".

    5. If response is null, then:

      1. Set response to forwardResponse.

      2. Store httpRequest and forwardResponse in httpCache, as per the "Storing Responses in Caches" chapter of HTTP Caching. [HTTP-CACHING]

        If forwardResponse is a network error, this effectively caches the network error, which is sometimes known as "negative caching".

        The associated body info is stored in the cache alongside the response.

  11. Set response’s URL list to a clone of httpRequest’s URL list.

  12. If httpRequest’s header list contains `Range`, then set response’s range-requested flag.

  13. Set response’s request-includes-credentials to includeCredentials.

  14. If response’s status is 401, httpRequest’s response tainting is not "cors", includeCredentials is true, and request’s window is an environment settings object, then:

    1. Needs testing: multiple `WWW-Authenticate` headers, missing, parsing issues.

    2. If request’s body is non-null, then:

      1. If request’s body’s source is null, then return a network error.

      2. Set request’s body to the body of the result of safely extracting request’s body’s source.

    3. If request’s use-URL-credentials flag is unset or isAuthenticationFetch is true, then:

      1. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.

      2. Let username and password be the result of prompting the end user for a username and password, respectively, in request’s window.

      3. Set the username given request’s current URL and username.

      4. Set the password given request’s current URL and password.

    4. Set response to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams and true.

  15. If response’s status is 407, then:

    1. If request’s window is "no-window", then return a network error.

    2. Needs testing: multiple `Proxy-Authenticate` headers, missing, parsing issues.

    3. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.

    4. Prompt the end user as appropriate in request’s window and store the result as a proxy-authentication entry. [HTTP]

      Remaining details surrounding proxy authentication are defined by HTTP.

    5. Set response to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams.

  16. If all of the following are true

    • response’s status is 421

    • isNewConnectionFetch is false

    • request’s body is null, or request’s body is non-null and request’s body’s source is non-null


    1. If fetchParams is canceled, then return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.

    2. Set response to the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given fetchParams, isAuthenticationFetch, and true.

  17. If isAuthenticationFetch is true, then create an authentication entry for request and the given realm.

  18. Return response. Typically response’s body’s stream is still being enqueued to after returning.

5.6. HTTP-network fetch

To HTTP-network fetch, given a fetch params fetchParams, an optional boolean includeCredentials (default false), and an optional boolean forceNewConnection (default false), run these steps:

  1. Let request be fetchParams’s request.

  2. Let response be null.

  3. Let timingInfo be fetchParams’s timing info.

  4. Let networkPartitionKey be the result of determining the network partition key given request.

  5. Let newConnection be "yes" if forceNewConnection is true; otherwise "no".

  6. Switch on request’s mode:


    Let connection be the result of obtaining a WebSocket connection, given request’s current URL.


    Let connection be the result of obtaining a connection, given networkPartitionKey, request’s current URL, includeCredentials, and newConnection.

  7. Run these steps, but abort when fetchParams is canceled:

    1. If connection is failure, then return a network error.

    2. Set timingInfo’s final connection timing info to the result of calling clamp and coarsen connection timing info with connection’s timing info, timingInfo’s post-redirect start time, and fetchParams’s cross-origin isolated capability.

    3. If connection is an HTTP/1.x connection, request’s body is non-null, and request’s body’s source is null, then return a network error.

    4. Set timingInfo’s final network-request start time to the coarsened shared current time given fetchParams’s cross-origin isolated capability.
    5. Set response to the result of making an HTTP request over connection using request with the following caveats:

      The exact layering between Fetch and HTTP still needs to be sorted through and therefore response represents both a response and an HTTP response here.

      If the HTTP request results in a TLS client certificate dialog, then:

      1. If request’s window is an environment settings object, make the dialog available in request’s window.

      2. Otherwise, return a network error.

      To transmit request’s body body, run these steps:

      1. If body is null and fetchParams’s process request end-of-body is non-null, then queue a fetch task given fetchParams’s process request end-of-body and fetchParams’s task destination.

      2. Otherwise, if body is non-null:

        1. Let processBodyChunk given bytes be these steps:

          1. If fetchParams is canceled, then abort these steps.

          2. Run this step in parallel: transmit bytes.

          3. If fetchParams’s process request body chunk length is non-null, then run fetchParams’s process request body chunk length given bytes’s length.

        2. Let processEndOfBody be these steps:

          1. If fetchParams is canceled, then abort these steps.

          2. If fetchParams’s process request end-of-body is non-null, then run fetchParams’s process request end-of-body.

        3. Let processBodyError given e be these steps:

          1. If fetchParams is canceled, then abort these steps.

          2. If e is an "AbortError" DOMException, then abort fetchParams’s controller.

          3. Otherwise, terminate fetchParams’s controller.

        4. Incrementally read request’s body given processBodyChunk, processEndOfBody, processBodyError, and fetchParams’s task destination.

  8. If aborted, then:

    1. If connection uses HTTP/2, then transmit an RST_STREAM frame.

    2. Return the appropriate network error for fetchParams.

  9. Let pullAlgorithm be an algorithm that resumes the ongoing fetch if it is suspended.

  10. Let cancelAlgorithm be an algorithm that aborts fetchParams’s controller with reason, given reason.

  11. Let highWaterMark be a non-negative, non-NaN number, chosen by the user agent.

  12. Let sizeAlgorithm be an algorithm that accepts a chunk object and returns a non-negative, non-NaN, non-infinite number, chosen by the user agent.

  13. Let stream be a new ReadableStream.

  14. Set up stream with pullAlgorithm set to pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm set to cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark set to highWaterMark, and sizeAlgorithm set to sizeAlgorithm.

  15. Set response’s body to a new body whose stream is stream.

  16. There is a tracking vector here. If includeCredentials is true and the user agent is not configured to block cookies for request (see section 7 of [COOKIES]), then run the "set-cookie-string" parsing algorithm (see section 5.2 of [COOKIES]) on the value of each header whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for `Set-Cookie` in response’s header list, if any, and request’s current URL.

  17. Run these steps in parallel:

    1. Run these steps, but abort when fetchParams is canceled:

      1. While true:

        1. If one or more bytes have been transmitted from response’s message body, then:

          1. Let bytes be the transmitted bytes.

          2. Let codings be the result of extracting header list values given `Content-Encoding` and response’s header list.

          3. Increase response’s body info’s encoded size by bytes’s length.

          4. Set bytes to the result of handling content codings given codings and bytes.

            This makes the `Content-Length` header unreliable to the extent that it was reliable to begin with.

          5. Increase response’s body info’s decoded size by bytes’s length.

          6. If bytes is failure, then terminate fetchParams’s controller.

          7. Enqueue a Uint8Array wrapping an ArrayBuffer containing bytes into stream.

          8. If stream is errored, then terminate fetchParams.'s controller.

          9. If stream doesn’t need more data ask the user agent to suspend the ongoing fetch.

        2. Otherwise, if the bytes transmission for response’s message body is done normally and stream is readable, then close stream, and abort these in-parallel steps.

    2. If aborted, then:

      1. If fetchParams is aborted, then:

        1. Set response’s aborted flag.

        2. If stream is readable, then error stream with the result of deserialize a serialized abort reason given fetchParams’s controller’s serialized abort reason and an implementation-defined realm.

      2. Otherwise, if stream is readable, error stream with a TypeError.

      3. If connection uses HTTP/2, then transmit an RST_STREAM frame.

      4. Otherwise, the user agent should close connection unless it would be bad for performance to do so.

        For instance, the user agent could keep the connection open if it knows there’s only a few bytes of transfer remaining on a reusable connection. In this case it could be worse to close the connection and go through the handshake process again for the next fetch.

    These are run in parallel as at this point it is unclear whether response’s body is relevant (response might be a redirect).

  18. Return response. Typically response’s body’s stream is still being enqueued to after returning.

5.7. CORS-preflight fetch

This is effectively the user agent implementation of the check to see if the CORS protocol is understood. The so-called CORS-preflight request. If successful it populates the CORS-preflight cache to minimize the number of these fetches.

To CORS-preflight fetch, given a request request, run these steps:

  1. Let preflight be a new request whose method is `OPTIONS`, URL list is a clone of request’s URL list, initiator is request’s initiator, destination is request’s destination, origin is request’s origin, referrer is request’s referrer, referrer policy is request’s referrer policy, mode is "cors", and response tainting is "cors".

    The service-workers mode of preflight does not matter as this algorithm uses HTTP-network-or-cache fetch rather than HTTP fetch.

  2. Append (`Accept`, `*/*`) to preflight’s header list.

  3. Append (`Access-Control-Request-Method`, request’s method) to preflight’s header list.

  4. Let headers be the CORS-unsafe request-header names with request’s header list.

  5. If headers is not empty, then:

    1. Let value be the items in headers separated from each other by `,`.

    2. Append (`Access-Control-Request-Headers`, value) to preflight’s header list.

    This intentionally does not use combine, as 0x20 following 0x2C is not the way this was implemented, for better or worse.

  6. Let response be the result of running HTTP-network-or-cache fetch given a new fetch params whose request is preflight.

  7. If a CORS check for request and response returns success and response’s status is an ok status, then:

    The CORS check is done on request rather than preflight to ensure the correct credentials mode is used.

    1. Let methods be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` and response’s header list.

    2. Let headerNames be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` and response’s header list.

    3. If either methods or headerNames is failure, return a network error.

    4. If methods is null and request’s use-CORS-preflight flag is set, then set methods to a new list containing request’s method.

      This ensures that a CORS-preflight fetch that happened due to request’s use-CORS-preflight flag being set is cached.

    5. If request’s method is not in methods, request’s method is not a CORS-safelisted method, and request’s credentials mode is "include" or methods does not contain `*`, then return a network error.

    6. If one of request’s header list’s names is a CORS non-wildcard request-header name and is not a byte-case-insensitive match for an item in headerNames, then return a network error.

    7. For each unsafeName of the CORS-unsafe request-header names with request’s header list, if unsafeName is not a byte-case-insensitive match for an item in headerNames and request’s credentials mode is "include" or headerNames does not contain `*`, return a network error.

    8. Let max-age be the result of extracting header list values given `Access-Control-Max-Age` and response’s header list.

    9. If max-age is failure or null, then set max-age to 5.

    10. If max-age is greater than an imposed limit on max-age, then set max-age to the imposed limit.

    11. If the user agent does not provide for a cache, then return response.

    12. For each method in methods for which there is a method cache entry match using request, set matching entry’s max-age to max-age.

    13. For each method in methods for which there is no method cache entry match using request, create a new cache entry with request, max-age, method, and null.

    14. For each headerName in headerNames for which there is a header-name cache entry match using request, set matching entry’s max-age to max-age.

    15. For each headerName in headerNames for which there is no header-name cache entry match using request, create a new cache entry with request, max-age, null, and headerName.

    16. Return response.

  8. Otherwise, return a network error.

5.8. CORS-preflight cache

A user agent has an associated CORS-preflight cache. A CORS-preflight cache is a list of cache entries.

A cache entry consists of:

Cache entries must be removed after the seconds specified in their max-age field have passed since storing the entry. Cache entries may be removed before that moment arrives.

To create a new cache entry, given request, max-age, method, and headerName, run these steps:

  1. Let entry be a cache entry, initialized as follows:


    The result of determining the network partition key given request

    byte-serialized origin

    The result of byte-serializing a request origin with request


    request’s current URL




    True if request’s credentials mode is "include", and false otherwise



    header name


  2. Append entry to the user agent’s CORS-preflight cache.

To clear cache entries, given a request, remove any cache entries in the user agent’s CORS-preflight cache whose key is the result of determining the network partition key given request, byte-serialized origin is the result of byte-serializing a request origin with request, and URL is request’s current URL.

There is a cache entry match for a cache entry entry with request if entry’s key is the result of determining the network partition key given request, entry’s byte-serialized origin is the result of byte-serializing a request origin with request, entry’s URL is request’s current URL, and one of

is true.

There is a method cache entry match for method using request when there is a cache entry in the user agent’s CORS-preflight cache for which there is a cache entry match with request and its method is method or `*`.

There is a header-name cache entry match for headerName using request when there is a cache entry in the user agent’s CORS-preflight cache for which there is a cache entry match with request and one of

is true.

5.9. CORS check

To perform a CORS check for a request and response, run these steps:

  1. Let origin be the result of getting `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` from response’s header list.

  2. If origin is null, then return failure.

    Null is not `null`.

  3. If request’s credentials mode is not "include" and origin is `*`, then return success.

  4. If the result of byte-serializing a request origin with request is not origin, then return failure.

  5. If request’s credentials mode is not "include", then return success.

  6. Let credentials be the result of getting `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` from response’s header list.

  7. If credentials is `true`, then return success.

  8. Return failure.

5.10. TAO check

To perform a TAO check for a request and response, run these steps:

  1. If request’s timing allow failed flag is set, then return failure.

  2. Let values be the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `Timing-Allow-Origin` from response’s header list.

  3. If values contains "*", then return success.

  4. If values contains the result of serializing a request origin with request, then return success.

  5. If request’s mode is "navigate" and request’s current URL’s origin is not same origin with request’s origin, then return failure.

    This is necessary for navigations of a nested navigable. There, request’s origin would be the container document’s origin and the TAO check would return failure. Since navigation timing never validates the results of the TAO check, the nested document would still have access to the full timing information, but the container document would not.

  6. If request’s response tainting is "basic", then return success.

  7. Return failure.

6. Fetch API

The fetch() method is relatively low-level API for fetching resources. It covers slightly more ground than XMLHttpRequest, although it is currently lacking when it comes to request progression (not response progression).

The fetch() method makes it quite straightforward to fetch a resource and extract its contents as a Blob:

  .then(res => res.blob()).then(playBlob)

If you just care to log a particular response header:

fetch("/", {method:"HEAD"})
  .then(res => log(res.headers.get("strict-transport-security")))

If you want to check a particular response header and then process the response of a cross-origin resource:

fetch("https://pk.example/berlin-calling.json", {mode:"cors"})
  .then(res => {
    if(res.headers.get("content-type") &&
       res.headers.get("content-type").toLowerCase().indexOf("application/json") >= 0) {
      return res.json()
    } else {
      throw new TypeError()

If you want to work with URL query parameters:

var url = new URL("https://geo.example.org/api"),
    params = {lat:35.696233, long:139.570431}
Object.keys(params).forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key]))
fetch(url).then(/* … */)

If you want to receive the body data progressively:

function consume(reader) {
  var total = 0
  return pump()
  function pump() {
    return reader.read().then(({done, value}) => {
      if (done) {
      total += value.byteLength
      log(`received ${value.byteLength} bytes (${total} bytes in total)`)
      return pump()

  .then(res => consume(res.body.getReader()))
  .then(() => log("consumed the entire body without keeping the whole thing in memory!"))
  .catch(e => log("something went wrong: " + e))

6.1. Headers class

typedef (sequence<sequence<ByteString>> or record<ByteString, ByteString>) HeadersInit;

interface Headers {
  constructor(optional HeadersInit init);

  undefined append(ByteString name, ByteString value);
  undefined delete(ByteString name);
  ByteString? get(ByteString name);
  boolean has(ByteString name);
  undefined set(ByteString name, ByteString value);
  iterable<ByteString, ByteString>;

Unlike a header list, a Headers object cannot represent more than one `Set-Cookie` header. In a way this is problematic as unlike all other headers `Set-Cookie` headers cannot be combined, but since `Set-Cookie` headers are not exposed to client-side JavaScript this is deemed an acceptable compromise. Implementations could choose the more efficient Headers object representation even for a header list, as long as they also support an associated data structure for `Set-Cookie` headers.

A Headers object has an associated header list (a header list), which is initially empty. This can be a pointer to the header list of something else, e.g., of a request as demonstrated by Request objects.

A Headers object also has an associated guard, which is a headers guard. A headers guard is "immutable", "request", "request-no-cors", "response" or "none".

headers = new Headers([init])

Creates a new Headers object. init can be used to fill its internal header list, as per the example below.

const meta = { "Content-Type": "text/xml", "Breaking-Bad": "<3" };
new Headers(meta);

// The above is equivalent to
const meta2 = [
  [ "Content-Type", "text/xml" ],
  [ "Breaking-Bad", "<3" ]
new Headers(meta2);
headers . append(name, value)

Appends a header to headers.

headers . delete(name)

Removes a header from headers.

headers . get(name)

Returns as a string the values of all headers whose name is name, separated by a comma and a space.

headers . has(name)

Returns whether there is a header whose name is name.

headers . set(name, value)

Replaces the value of the first header whose name is name with value and removes any remaining headers whose name is name.

for(const [name, value] of headers)

headers can be iterated over.

To validate a header (name, value) for a Headers object headers:

  1. If name is not a header name or value is not a header value, then throw a TypeError.

  2. If headers’s guard is "immutable", then throw a TypeError.

  3. If headers’s guard is "request" and (name, value) is a forbidden request-header, then return false.

  4. If headers’s guard is "response" and name is a forbidden response-header name, then return false.

  5. Return true.

Steps for "request-no-cors" are not shared as you cannot have a fake value (for delete()) that always succeeds in CORS-safelisted request-header.

To append a header (name, value) to a Headers object headers, run these steps:

  1. Normalize value.

  2. If validating (name, value) for headers returns false, then return.

  3. If headers’s guard is "request-no-cors":

    1. Let temporaryValue be the result of getting name from headers’s header list.

    2. If temporaryValue is null, then set temporaryValue to value.

    3. Otherwise, set temporaryValue to temporaryValue, followed by 0x2C 0x20, followed by value.

    4. If (name, temporaryValue) is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header, then return.

  4. Append (name, value) to headers’s header list.

  5. If headers’s guard is "request-no-cors", then remove privileged no-CORS request-headers from headers.

To fill a Headers object headers with a given object object, run these steps:

  1. If object is a sequence, then for each header of object:

    1. If header’s size is not 2, then throw a TypeError.

    2. Append (header[0], header[1]) to headers.

  2. Otherwise, object is a record, then for each keyvalue of object, append (key, value) to headers.

To remove privileged no-CORS request-headers from a Headers object (headers), run these steps:

  1. For each headerName of privileged no-CORS request-header names:

    1. Delete headerName from headers’s header list.

This is called when headers are modified by unprivileged code.

The new Headers(init) constructor steps are:

  1. Set this’s guard to "none".

  2. If init is given, then fill this with init.

The append(name, value) method steps are to append (name, value) to this.

The delete(name) method steps are:

  1. If validating (name, ``) for headers returns false, then return.

    Passing a dummy header value ought not to have any negative repercussions.

  2. If this’s guard is "request-no-cors", name is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header name, and name is not a privileged no-CORS request-header name, then return.

  3. If this’s header list does not contain name, then return.

  4. Delete name from this’s header list.

  5. If this’s guard is "request-no-cors", then remove privileged no-CORS request-headers from this.

The get(name) method steps are:

  1. If name is not a header name, then throw a TypeError.

  2. Return the result of getting name from this’s header list.

The has(name) method steps are:

  1. If name is not a header name, then throw a TypeError.

  2. Return true if this’s header list contains name; otherwise false.

The set(name, value) method steps are:

  1. Normalize value.

  2. If validating (name, value) for headers returns false, then return.

  3. If this’s guard is "request-no-cors" and (name, value) is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header, then return.

  4. Set (name, value) in this’s header list.

  5. If this’s guard is "request-no-cors", then remove privileged no-CORS request-headers from this.

The value pairs to iterate over are the return value of running sort and combine with this’s header list.

6.2. BodyInit unions

typedef (Blob or BufferSource or FormData or URLSearchParams or USVString) XMLHttpRequestBodyInit;

typedef (ReadableStream or XMLHttpRequestBodyInit) BodyInit;

To safely extract a body with type from a byte sequence or BodyInit object object, run these steps:

  1. If object is a ReadableStream object, then:

    1. Assert: object is neither disturbed nor locked.

  2. Return the result of extracting object.

The safely extract operation is a subset of the extract operation that is guaranteed to not throw an exception.

To extract a body with type from a byte sequence or BodyInit object object, with an optional boolean keepalive (default false), run these steps:

  1. Let stream be null.

  2. If object is a ReadableStream object, then set stream to object.

  3. Otherwise, if object is a Blob object, set stream to the result of running object’s get stream.

  4. Otherwise, set stream to a new ReadableStream object, and set up stream.

  5. Assert: stream is a ReadableStream object.

  6. Let action be null.

  7. Let source be null.

  8. Let length be null.

  9. Let type be null.

  10. Switch on object:


    Set source to object.

    Set length to object’s size.

    If object’s type attribute is not the empty byte sequence, set type to its value.

    byte sequence

    Set source to object.


    Set source to a copy of the bytes held by object.


    Set action to this step: run the multipart/form-data encoding algorithm, with object’s entry list and UTF-8.

    Set source to object.

    Set length to unclear, see html/6424 for improving this.

    Set type to `multipart/form-data; boundary=`, followed by the multipart/form-data boundary string generated by the multipart/form-data encoding algorithm.


    Set source to the result of running the application/x-www-form-urlencoded serializer with object’s list.

    Set type to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8`.

    scalar value string

    Set source to the UTF-8 encoding of object.

    Set type to `text/plain;charset=UTF-8`.


    If keepalive is true, then throw a TypeError.

    If object is disturbed or locked, then throw a TypeError.

  11. If source is a byte sequence, then set action to a step that returns source and length to source’s length.

  12. If action is non-null, then run these steps in parallel:

    1. Run action.

      Whenever one or more bytes are available and stream is not errored, enqueue a Uint8Array wrapping an ArrayBuffer containing the available bytes into stream.

      When running action is done, close stream.

  13. Let body be a body whose stream is stream, source is source, and length is length.

  14. Return (body, type).

6.3. Body mixin

interface mixin Body {
  readonly attribute ReadableStream? body;
  readonly attribute boolean bodyUsed;
  [NewObject] Promise<ArrayBuffer> arrayBuffer();
  [NewObject] Promise<Blob> blob();
  [NewObject] Promise<FormData> formData();
  [NewObject] Promise<any> json();
  [NewObject] Promise<USVString> text();

Formats you would not want a network layer to be dependent upon, such as HTML, will likely not be exposed here. Rather, an HTML parser API might accept a stream in due course.

Objects including the Body interface mixin need to define an associated MIME type algorithm which takes no arguments and returns failure or a MIME type.

Objects including the Body interface mixin have an associated body (null or a body).

An object including the Body interface mixin is said to be unusable if its body is non-null and its body’s stream is disturbed or locked.

requestOrResponse . body

Returns requestOrResponse’s body as ReadableStream.

requestOrResponse . bodyUsed

Returns whether requestOrResponse’s body has been read from.

requestOrResponse . arrayBuffer()

Returns a promise fulfilled with requestOrResponse’s body as ArrayBuffer.

requestOrResponse . blob()

Returns a promise fulfilled with requestOrResponse’s body as Blob.

requestOrResponse . formData()

Returns a promise fulfilled with requestOrResponse’s body as FormData.

requestOrResponse . json()

Returns a promise fulfilled with requestOrResponse’s body parsed as JSON.

requestOrResponse . text()

Returns a promise fulfilled with requestOrResponse’s body as string.

The body getter steps are to return null if this’s body is null; otherwise this’s body’s stream.

The bodyUsed getter steps are to return true if this’s body is non-null and this’s body’s stream is disturbed; otherwise false.

The consume body algorithm, given an object that includes Body object and an algorithm that takes a byte sequence and returns a JavaScript value or throws an exception convertBytesToJSValue, runs these steps:

  1. If object is unusable, then return a promise rejected with a TypeError.

  2. Let promise be a new promise.

  3. Let errorSteps given error be to reject promise with error.
  4. Let successSteps given a byte sequence data be to resolve promise with the result of running convertBytesToJSValue with data. If that threw an exception, then run errorSteps with that exception.
  5. If object’s body is null, then run successSteps with an empty byte sequence.

  6. Otherwise, fully read object’s body given successSteps, errorSteps, and object’s relevant global object.

  7. Return promise.

The arrayBuffer() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and the following step given a byte sequence bytes: return a new ArrayBuffer whose contents are bytes.

The above method can reject with a RangeError.

The blob() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and the following step given a byte sequence bytes: return a Blob whose contents are bytes and whose type attribute is this’s MIME type.

The formData() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and the following step given a byte sequence bytes: switch on this’s MIME type’s essence and run the corresponding steps:

  1. Parse bytes, using the value of the `boundary` parameter from this’s MIME type, per the rules set forth in Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data. [RFC7578]

    Each part whose `Content-Disposition` header contains a `filename` parameter must be parsed into an entry whose value is a File object whose contents are the contents of the part. The name attribute of the File object must have the value of the `filename` parameter of the part. The type attribute of the File object must have the value of the `Content-Type` header of the part if the part has such header, and `text/plain` (the default defined by [RFC7578] section 4.4) otherwise.

    Each part whose `Content-Disposition` header does not contain a `filename` parameter must be parsed into an entry whose value is the UTF-8 decoded without BOM content of the part. This is done regardless of the presence or the value of a `Content-Type` header and regardless of the presence or the value of a `charset` parameter.

    A part whose `Content-Disposition` header contains a `name` parameter whose value is `_charset_` is parsed like any other part. It does not change the encoding.

  2. If that fails for some reason, then throw a TypeError.

  3. Return a new FormData object, appending each entry, resulting from the parsing operation, to its entry list.

The above is a rough approximation of what is needed for `multipart/form-data`, a more detailed parsing specification is to be written. Volunteers welcome.

  1. Let entries be the result of parsing bytes.

  2. If entries is failure, then throw a TypeError.

  3. Return a new FormData object whose entry list is entries.


Throw a TypeError.

The json() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and parse JSON from bytes.

The above method can reject with a SyntaxError.

The text() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and UTF-8 decode.

6.4. Request class

typedef (Request or USVString) RequestInfo;

interface Request {
  constructor(RequestInfo input, optional RequestInit init = {});

  readonly attribute ByteString method;
  readonly attribute USVString url;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Headers headers;

  readonly attribute RequestDestination destination;
  readonly attribute USVString referrer;
  readonly attribute ReferrerPolicy referrerPolicy;
  readonly attribute RequestMode mode;
  readonly attribute RequestCredentials credentials;
  readonly attribute RequestCache cache;
  readonly attribute RequestRedirect redirect;
  readonly attribute DOMString integrity;
  readonly attribute boolean keepalive;
  readonly attribute boolean isReloadNavigation;
  readonly attribute boolean isHistoryNavigation;
  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;
  readonly attribute RequestDuplex duplex;

  [NewObject] Request clone();
Request includes Body;

dictionary RequestInit {
  ByteString method;
  HeadersInit headers;
  BodyInit? body;
  USVString referrer;
  ReferrerPolicy referrerPolicy;
  RequestMode mode;
  RequestCredentials credentials;
  RequestCache cache;
  RequestRedirect redirect;
  DOMString integrity;
  boolean keepalive;
  AbortSignal? signal;
  RequestDuplex duplex;
  RequestPriority priority;
  any window; // can only be set to null

enum RequestDestination { "", "audio", "audioworklet", "document", "embed", "font", "frame", "iframe", "image", "manifest", "object", "paintworklet", "report", "script", "sharedworker", "style",  "track", "video", "worker", "xslt" };
enum RequestMode { "navigate", "same-origin", "no-cors", "cors" };
enum RequestCredentials { "omit", "same-origin", "include" };
enum RequestCache { "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache", "force-cache", "only-if-cached" };
enum RequestRedirect { "follow", "error", "manual" };
enum RequestDuplex { "half" };
enum RequestPriority { "high", "low", "auto" };

"serviceworker" is omitted from RequestDestination as it cannot be observed from JavaScript. Implementations will still need to support it as a destination. "websocket" is omitted from RequestMode as it cannot be used nor observed from JavaScript.

A Request object has an associated request (a request).

A Request object also has an associated headers (null or a Headers object), initially null.

A Request object has an associated signal (null or an AbortSignal object), initially null.

A Request object’s MIME type is to return the result of extracting a MIME type from its request’s header list.

A Request object’s body is its request’s body.

request = new Request(input [, init])

Returns a new request whose url property is input if input is a string, and input’s url if input is a Request object.

The init argument is an object whose properties can be set as follows:

A string to set request’s method.
A Headers object, an object literal, or an array of two-item arrays to set request’s headers.
A BodyInit object or null to set request’s body.
A string whose value is a same-origin URL, "about:client", or the empty string, to set request’s referrer.
A referrer policy to set request’s referrerPolicy.
A string to indicate whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. Sets request’s mode. If input is a string, it defaults to "cors".
A string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL — as well as whether any credentials sent back in the response will be used always, never, or only when received from a same-origin URL. Sets request’s credentials. If input is a string, it defaults to "same-origin".
A string indicating how the request will interact with the browser’s cache to set request’s cache.
A string indicating whether request follows redirects, results in an error upon encountering a redirect, or returns the redirect (in an opaque fashion). Sets request’s redirect.
A cryptographic hash of the resource to be fetched by request. Sets request’s integrity.
A boolean to set request’s keepalive.
An AbortSignal to set request’s signal.
Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
"half" is the only valid value and it is for initiating a half-duplex fetch (i.e., the user agent sends the entire request before processing the response). "full" is reserved for future use, for initiating a full-duplex fetch (i.e., the user agent can process the response before sending the entire request). This member needs to be set when body is a ReadableStream object. See issue #1254 for defining "full".
A string to set request’s priority.
request . method
Returns request’s HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
request . url
Returns the URL of request as a string.
request . headers
Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with request. Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent will not be accounted for in this object, e.g., the "Host" header.
request . destination
Returns the kind of resource requested by request, e.g., "document" or "script".
request . referrer
Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global’s default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
request . referrerPolicy
Returns the referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request’s referrer.
request . mode
Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
request . credentials
Returns the credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
request . cache
Returns the cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser’s cache when fetching.
request . redirect
Returns the redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
request . integrity
Returns request’s subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. [SRI]
request . keepalive
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
request . isReloadNavigation
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload navigation.
request . isHistoryNavigation
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history navigation (a.k.a. back-foward navigation).
request . signal
Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
request . duplex
Returns "half", meaning the fetch will be half-duplex (i.e., the user agent sends the entire request before processing the response). In future, it could also return "full", meaning the fetch will be full-duplex (i.e., the user agent can process the response before sending the entire request) to indicate that the fetch will be full-duplex. See issue #1254 for defining "full".
request . clone()

Returns a clone of request.

To create a Request object, given a request request, headers guard guard, and realm realm, run these steps:

  1. Let requestObject be a new Request object with realm.

  2. Set requestObject’s request to request.

  3. Set requestObject’s headers to a new Headers object with realm, whose headers list is request’s headers list and guard is guard.

  4. Set requestObject’s signal to a new AbortSignal object with realm.

  5. Return requestObject.

The new Request(input, init) constructor steps are:

  1. Let request be null.

  2. Let fallbackMode be null.

  3. Let baseURL be this’s relevant settings object’s API base URL.

  4. Let signal be null.

  5. If input is a string, then:

    1. Let parsedURL be the result of parsing input with baseURL.

    2. If parsedURL is failure, then throw a TypeError.

    3. If parsedURL includes credentials, then throw a TypeError.

    4. Set request to a new request whose URL is parsedURL.

    5. Set fallbackMode to "cors".

  6. Otherwise:

    1. Assert: input is a Request object.

    2. Set request to input’s request.

    3. Set signal to input’s signal.

  7. Let origin be this’s relevant settings object’s origin.

  8. Let window be "client".

  9. If request’s window is an environment settings object and its origin is same origin with origin, then set window to request’s window.

  10. If init["window"] exists and is non-null, then throw a TypeError.

  11. If init["window"] exists, then set window to "no-window".

  12. Set request to a new request with the following properties:

    request’s URL.
    request’s method.
    header list
    A copy of request’s header list.
    unsafe-request flag
    This’s relevant settings object.
    internal priority
    request’s internal priority.
    request’s origin. The propagation of the origin is only significant for navigation requests being handled by a service worker. In this scenario a request can have an origin that is different from the current client.
    request’s referrer.
    referrer policy
    request’s referrer policy.
    request’s mode.
    credentials mode
    request’s credentials mode.
    cache mode
    request’s cache mode.
    redirect mode
    request’s redirect mode.
    integrity metadata
    request’s integrity metadata.
    request’s keepalive.
    reload-navigation flag
    request’s reload-navigation flag.
    history-navigation flag
    request’s history-navigation flag.
    URL list
    A clone of request’s URL list.
    initiator type
  13. If init is not empty, then:

    1. If request’s mode is "navigate", then set it to "same-origin".

    2. Unset request’s reload-navigation flag.

    3. Unset request’s history-navigation flag.

    4. Set request’s origin to "client".

    5. Set request’s referrer to "client".

    6. Set request’s referrer policy to the empty string.

    7. Set request’s URL to request’s current URL.

    8. Set request’s URL list to « request’s URL ».

    This is done to ensure that when a service worker "redirects" a request, e.g., from an image in a cross-origin style sheet, and makes modifications, it no longer appears to come from the original source (i.e., the cross-origin style sheet), but instead from the service worker that "redirected" the request. This is important as the original source might not even be able to generate the same kind of requests as the service worker. Services that trust the original source could therefore be exploited were this not done, although that is somewhat farfetched.

  14. If init["referrer"] exists, then:

    1. Let referrer be init["referrer"].

    2. If referrer is the empty string, then set request’s referrer to "no-referrer".

    3. Otherwise:

      1. Let parsedReferrer be the result of parsing referrer with baseURL.

      2. If parsedReferrer is failure, then throw a TypeError.

      3. If one of the following is true

        then set request’s referrer to "client".

      4. Otherwise, set request’s referrer to parsedReferrer.

  15. If init["referrerPolicy"] exists, then set request’s referrer policy to it.

  16. Let mode be init["mode"] if it exists, and fallbackMode otherwise.

  17. If mode is "navigate", then throw a TypeError.

  18. If mode is non-null, set request’s mode to mode.

  19. If init["credentials"] exists, then set request’s credentials mode to it.

  20. If init["cache"] exists, then set request’s cache mode to it.

  21. If request’s cache mode is "only-if-cached" and request’s mode is not "same-origin", then throw a TypeError.

  22. If init["redirect"] exists, then set request’s redirect mode to it.

  23. If init["integrity"] exists, then set request’s integrity metadata to it.

  24. If init["keepalive"] exists, then set request’s keepalive to it.

  25. If init["method"] exists, then:

    1. Let method be init["method"].

    2. If method is not a method or method is a forbidden method, then throw a TypeError.

    3. Normalize method.

    4. Set request’s method to method.

  26. If init["signal"] exists, then set signal to it.

  27. If init["priority"] exists, then:

    1. If request’s internal priority is not null, then update request’s internal priority in an implementation-defined manner.

    2. Otherwise, set request’s priority to init["priority"].

  28. Set this’s request to request.

  29. Set this’s signal to a new AbortSignal object with this’s relevant Realm.

  30. If signal is non-null, then make this’s signal follow signal.

  31. Set this’s headers to a new Headers object with this’s relevant Realm, whose header list is request’s header list and guard is "request".

  32. If this’s request’s mode is "no-cors", then:

    1. If this’s request’s method is not a CORS-safelisted method, then throw a TypeError.

    2. Set this’s headers’s guard to "request-no-cors".

  33. If init is not empty, then:

    The headers are sanitized as they might contain headers that are not allowed by this mode. Otherwise, they were previously sanitized or are unmodified since they were set by a privileged API.

    1. Let headers be a copy of this’s headers and its associated header list.

    2. If init["headers"] exists, then set headers to init["headers"].

    3. Empty this’s headers’s header list.

    4. If headers is a Headers object, then for each header of its header list, append header to this’s headers.

    5. Otherwise, fill this’s headers with headers.

  34. Let inputBody be input’s request’s body if input is a Request object; otherwise null.

  35. If either init["body"] exists and is non-null or inputBody is non-null, and request’s method is `GET` or `HEAD`, then throw a TypeError.

  36. Let initBody be null.

  37. If init["body"] exists and is non-null, then:

    1. Let bodyWithType be the result of extracting init["body"], with keepalive set to request’s keepalive.

    2. Set initBody to bodyWithType’s body.

    3. Let type be bodyWithType’s type.

    4. If type is non-null and this’s headers’s header list does not contain `Content-Type`, then append (`Content-Type`, type) to this’s headers.

  38. Let inputOrInitBody be initBody if it is non-null; otherwise inputBody.

  39. If inputOrInitBody is non-null and inputOrInitBody’s source is null, then:

    1. If initBody is non-null and init["duplex"] does not exist, then throw a TypeError.

    2. If this’s request’s mode is neither "same-origin" nor "cors", then throw a TypeError.

    3. Set this’s request’s use-CORS-preflight flag.

  40. Let finalBody be inputOrInitBody.

  41. If initBody is null and inputBody is non-null, then:

    1. If input is unusable, then throw a TypeError.

    2. Set finalBody to the result of creating a proxy for inputBody.

  42. Set this’s request’s body to finalBody.

The method getter steps are to return this’s request’s method.

The url getter steps are to return this’s request’s URL, serialized.

The headers getter steps are to return this’s headers.

The destination getter are to return this’s request’s destination.

The referrer getter steps are:

  1. If this’s request’s referrer is "no-referrer", then return the empty string.

  2. If this’s request’s referrer is "client", then return "about:client".

  3. Return this’s request’s referrer, serialized.

The referrerPolicy getter steps are to return this’s request’s referrer policy.

The mode getter steps are to return this’s request’s mode.

The credentials getter steps are to return this’s request’s credentials mode.

The cache getter steps are to return this’s request’s cache mode.

The redirect getter steps are to return this’s request’s redirect mode.

The integrity getter steps are to return this’s request’s integrity metadata.

The keepalive getter steps are to return this’s request’s keepalive.

The isReloadNavigation getter steps are to return true if this’s request’s reload-navigation flag is set; otherwise false.

The isHistoryNavigation getter steps are to return true if this’s request’s history-navigation flag is set; otherwise false.

The signal getter steps are to return this’s signal.

The duplex getter steps are to return "half".

The clone() method steps are:

  1. If this is unusable, then throw a TypeError.

  2. Let clonedRequest be the result of cloning this’s request.

  3. Let clonedRequestObject be the result of creating a Request object, given clonedRequest, this’s headers’s guard, and this’s relevant Realm.

  4. Make clonedRequestObject’s signal follow this’s signal.

  5. Return clonedRequestObject.

6.5. Response class

[Exposed=(Window,Worker)]interface Response {
  constructor(optional BodyInit? body = null, optional ResponseInit init = {});

  [NewObject] static Response error();
  [NewObject] static Response redirect(USVString url, optional unsigned short status = 302);
  [NewObject] static Response json(any data, optional ResponseInit init = {});

  readonly attribute ResponseType type;

  readonly attribute USVString url;
  readonly attribute boolean redirected;
  readonly attribute unsigned short status;
  readonly attribute boolean ok;
  readonly attribute ByteString statusText;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Headers headers;

  [NewObject] Response clone();
Response includes Body;

dictionary ResponseInit {
  unsigned short status = 200;
  ByteString statusText = "";
  HeadersInit headers;

enum ResponseType { "basic", "cors", "default", "error", "opaque", "opaqueredirect" };

A Response object has an associated response (a response).

A Response object also has an associated headers (null or a Headers object), initially null.

A Response object’s MIME type is to return the result of extracting a MIME type from its response’s header list.

A Response object’s body is its response’s body.

response = new Response(body = null [, init])

Creates a Response whose body is body, and status, status message, and headers are provided by init.

response = Response . error()

Creates network error Response.

response = Response . redirect(url, status = 302)

Creates a redirect Response that redirects to url with status status.

response = Response . json(data [, init])

Creates a Response whose body is the JSON-encoded data, and status, status message, and headers are provided by init.

response . type

Returns response’s type, e.g., "cors".

response . url

Returns response’s URL, if it has one; otherwise the empty string.

response . redirected

Returns whether response was obtained through a redirect.

response . status

Returns response’s status.

response . ok

Returns whether response’s status is an ok status.

response . statusText

Returns response’s status message.

response . headers

Returns response’s headers as Headers.

response . clone()

Returns a clone of response.

To create a Response object, given a response response, headers guard guard, and realm realm, run these steps:

  1. Let responseObject be a new Response object with realm.

  2. Set responseObject’s response to response.

  3. Set responseObject’s headers to a new Headers object with realm, whose headers list is response’s headers list and guard is guard.

  4. Return responseObject.

To initialize a response, given a Response object response, ResponseInit init, and an optional body with type body, run these steps:

  1. If init["status"] is not in the range 200 to 599, inclusive, then throw a RangeError.

  2. If init["statusText"] does not match the reason-phrase token production, then throw a TypeError.

  3. Set response’s response’s status to init["status"].

  4. Set response’s response’s status message to init["statusText"].

  5. If init["headers"] exists, then fill response’s headers with init["headers"].

  6. If body was given, then:

    1. If response’s status is a null body status, then throw a TypeError.

      101 and 103 are included in null body status due to their use elsewhere. They do not affect this step.

    2. Set response’s body to body’s body.

    3. If body’s type is non-null and response’s header list does not contain `Content-Type`, then append (`Content-Type`, body’s type) to response’s header list.

The new Response(body, init) constructor steps are:

  1. Set this’s response to a new response.

  2. Set this’s headers to a new Headers object with this’s relevant Realm, whose header list is this’s response’s header list and guard is "response".

  3. Let bodyWithType be null.

  4. If body is non-null, then set bodyWithType to the result of extracting body.

  5. Perform initialize a response given this, init, and bodyWithType.

The static error() method steps are to return the result of creating a Response object, given a new network error, "immutable", and this’s relevant Realm.

The static redirect(url, status) method steps are:

  1. Let parsedURL be the result of parsing url with current settings object’s API base URL.

  2. If parsedURL is failure, then throw a TypeError.

  3. If status is not a redirect status, then throw a RangeError.

  4. Let responseObject be the result of creating a Response object, given a new response, "immutable", and this’s relevant Realm.

  5. Set responseObject’s response’s status to status.

  6. Let value be parsedURL, serialized and isomorphic encoded.

  7. Append (`Location`, value) to responseObject’s response’s header list.

  8. Return responseObject.

The static json(data, init) method steps are:

  1. Let bytes the result of running serialize a JavaScript value to JSON bytes on data.

  2. Let body be the result of extracting bytes.

  3. Let responseObject be the result of creating a Response object, given a new response, "response", and this’s relevant Realm.

  4. Perform initialize a response given responseObject, init, and (body, "application/json").

  5. Return responseObject.

The type getter steps are to return this’s response’s type.

The url getter steps are to return the empty string if this’s response’s URL is null; otherwise this’s response’s URL, serialized with exclude fragment set to true.

The redirected getter steps are to return true if this’s response’s URL list has more than one item; otherwise false.

To filter out responses that are the result of a redirect, do this directly through the API, e.g., fetch(url, { redirect:"error" }). This way a potentially unsafe response cannot accidentally leak.

The status getter steps are to return this’s response’s status.

The ok getter steps are to return true if this’s response’s status is an ok status; otherwise false.

The statusText getter steps are to return this’s response’s status message.

The headers getter steps are to return this’s headers.

The clone() method steps are:

  1. If this is unusable, then throw a TypeError.

  2. Let clonedResponse be the result of cloning this’s response.

  3. Return the result of creating a Response object, given clonedResponse, this’s headers’s guard, and this’s relevant Realm.

6.6. Fetch method

partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
  [NewObject] Promise<Response> fetch(RequestInfo input, optional RequestInit init = {});

The fetch(input, init) method steps are:

  1. Let p be a new promise.

  2. Let requestObject be the result of invoking the initial value of Request as constructor with input and init as arguments. If this throws an exception, reject p with it and return p.

  3. Let request be requestObject’s request.

  4. If requestObject’s signal is aborted, then:

    1. Abort the fetch() call with p, request, null, and requestObject’s signal’s abort reason.

    2. Return p.

  5. Let globalObject be request’s client’s global object.
  6. If globalObject is a ServiceWorkerGlobalScope object, then set request’s service-workers mode to "none".
  7. Let responseObject be null.

  8. Let relevantRealm be this’s relevant Realm.

  9. Let locallyAborted be false.

    This lets us reject promises with predictable timing, when the request to abort comes from the same thread as the call to fetch.

  10. Let controller be null.

  11. Add the following abort steps to requestObject’s signal:

    1. Set locallyAborted to true.

    2. Assert: controller is non-null.

    3. Abort controller with requestObject’s signal’s abort reason.

    4. Abort the fetch() call with p, request, responseObject, and requestObject’s signal’s abort reason.

  12. Set controller to the result of calling fetch given request and processResponse given response being these steps:

    1. If locallyAborted is true, then abort these steps.

    2. If response’s aborted flag is set, then:

      1. Let deserializedError be the result of deserialize a serialized abort reason given controller’s serialized abort reason and relevantRealm.

      2. Abort the fetch() call with p, request, responseObject, and deserializedError.

      3. Abort these steps.

    3. If response is a network error, then reject p with a TypeError and abort these steps.

    4. Set responseObject to the result of creating a Response object, given response, "immutable", and relevantRealm.

    5. Resolve p with responseObject.

  13. Return p.

To abort a fetch() call with a promise, request, responseObject, and an error:

  1. Reject promise with error.

    This is a no-op if promise has already fulfilled.

  2. If request’s body is non-null and is readable, then cancel request’s body with error.

  3. If responseObject is null, then return.

  4. Let response be responseObject’s response.

  5. If response’s body is non-null and is readable, then error response’s body with error.

6.7. Garbage collection

The user agent may terminate an ongoing fetch if that termination is not observable through script.

"Observable through script" means observable through fetch()’s arguments and return value. Other ways, such as communicating with the server through a side-channel are not included.

The server being able to observe garbage collection has precedent, e.g., with WebSocket and XMLHttpRequest objects.

The user agent can terminate the fetch because the termination cannot be observed.


The user agent cannot terminate the fetch because the termination can be observed through the promise.

window.promise = fetch("https://www.example.com/")

The user agent can terminate the fetch because the associated body is not observable.

window.promise = fetch("https://www.example.com/").then(res => res.headers)

The user agent can terminate the fetch because the termination cannot be observed.

fetch("https://www.example.com/").then(res => res.body.getReader().closed)

The user agent cannot terminate the fetch because one can observe the termination by registering a handler for the promise object.

window.promise = fetch("https://www.example.com/")
  .then(res => res.body.getReader().closed)

The user agent cannot terminate the fetch as termination would be observable via the registered handler.

  .then(res => {
    res.body.getReader().closed.then(() => console.log("stream closed!"))

(The above examples of non-observability assume that built-in properties and functions, such as body.getReader(), have not been overwritten.)

7. data: URLs

For an informative description of data: URLs, see RFC 2397. This section replaces that RFC’s normative processing requirements to be compatible with deployed content. [RFC2397]

A data: URL struct is a struct that consists of a MIME type (a MIME type) and a body (a byte sequence).

The data: URL processor takes a URL dataURL and then runs these steps:

  1. Assert: dataURL’s scheme is "data".

  2. Let input be the result of running the URL serializer on dataURL with exclude fragment set to true.

  3. Remove the leading "data:" from input.

  4. Let position point at the start of input.

  5. Let mimeType be the result of collecting a sequence of code points that are not equal to U+002C (,), given position.

  6. Strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from mimeType.

    This will only remove U+0020 SPACE code points, if any.

  7. If position is past the end of input, then return failure.

  8. Advance position by 1.

  9. Let encodedBody be the remainder of input.

  10. Let body be the percent-decoding of encodedBody.

  11. If mimeType ends with U+003B (;), followed by zero or more U+0020 SPACE, followed by an ASCII case-insensitive match for "base64", then:

    1. Let stringBody be the isomorphic decode of body.

    2. Set body to the forgiving-base64 decode of stringBody.

    3. If body is failure, then return failure.

    4. Remove the last 6 code points from mimeType.

    5. Remove trailing U+0020 SPACE code points from mimeType, if any.

    6. Remove the last U+003B (;) from mimeType.

  12. If mimeType starts with ";", then prepend "text/plain" to mimeType.

  13. Let mimeTypeRecord be the result of parsing mimeType.

  14. If mimeTypeRecord is failure, then set mimeTypeRecord to text/plain;charset=US-ASCII.

  15. Return a new data: URL struct whose MIME type is mimeTypeRecord and body is body.

Background reading

This section and its subsections are informative only.

HTTP header layer division

For the purposes of fetching, there is an API layer (HTML’s img, CSS’s background-image), early fetch layer, service worker layer, and network & cache layer. `Accept` and `Accept-Language` are set in the early fetch layer (typically by the user agent). Most other headers controlled by the user agent, such as `Accept-Encoding`, `Host`, and `Referer`, are set in the network & cache layer. Developers can set headers either at the API layer or in the service worker layer (typically through a Request object). Developers have almost no control over forbidden request-headers, but can control `Accept` and have the means to constrain and omit `Referer` for instance.

Atomic HTTP redirect handling

Redirects (a response whose status or internal response’s (if any) status is a redirect status) are not exposed to APIs. Exposing redirects might leak information not otherwise available through a cross-site scripting attack.

A fetch to https://example.org/auth that includes a Cookie marked HttpOnly could result in a redirect to https://other-origin.invalid/4af955781ea1c84a3b11. This new URL contains a secret. If we expose redirects that secret would be available through a cross-site scripting attack.

Basic safe CORS protocol setup

For resources where data is protected through IP authentication or a firewall (unfortunately relatively common still), using the CORS protocol is unsafe. (This is the reason why the CORS protocol had to be invented.)

However, otherwise using the following header is safe:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Even if a resource exposes additional information based on cookie or HTTP authentication, using the above header will not reveal it. It will share the resource with APIs such as XMLHttpRequest, much like it is already shared with curl and wget.

Thus in other words, if a resource cannot be accessed from a random device connected to the web using curl and wget the aforementioned header is not to be included. If it can be accessed however, it is perfectly fine to do so.

CORS protocol and HTTP caches

If CORS protocol requirements are more complicated than setting `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` to * or a static origin, `Vary` is to be used. [HTML] [HTTP] [HTTP-CACHING]

Vary: Origin

In particular, consider what happens if `Vary` is not used and a server is configured to send `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` for a certain resource only in response to a CORS request. When a user agent receives a response to a non-CORS request for that resource (for example, as the result of a navigation request), the response will lack `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` and the user agent will cache that response. Then, if the user agent subsequently encounters a CORS request for the resource, it will use that cached response from the previous non-CORS request, without `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`.

But if `Vary: Origin` is used in the same scenario described above, it will cause the user agent to fetch a response that includes `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, rather than using the cached response from the previous non-CORS request that lacks `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`.

However, if `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` is set to * or a static origin for a particular resource, then configure the server to always send `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` in responses for the resource — for non-CORS requests as well as CORS requests — and do not use `Vary`.


As part of establishing a connection, the WebSocket object initiates a special kind of fetch (using a request whose mode is "websocket") which allows it to share in many fetch policy decisions, such HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). Ultimately this results in fetch calling into WebSockets to obtain a dedicated connection. [WEBSOCKETS] [HSTS]

Fetch used to define obtain a WebSocket connection and establish a WebSocket connection directly, but both are now defined in WebSockets. [WEBSOCKETS]

Using fetch in other standards

In its essence fetching is an exchange of a request for a response. In reality it is rather complex mechanism for standards to adopt and use correctly. This section aims to give some advice.

Always ask domain experts for review.

This is a work in progress.

Invoking fetch

Aside from a request the fetch operation takes several optional arguments. For those arguments that take an algorithm: the algorithm will be called from a task (or in a parallel queue if useParallelQueue is true).


Takes an algorithm that will be passed the number of bytes that have been transmitted from the request’s body. The algorithm will be invoked for each transmitted chunk. Most standards will not need this.


Takes an algorithm that will be passed nothing. Indicates request’s body has been transmitted. Most standards will not need this.


Takes an algorithm that will be passed a response (whose status is 103). Can only be used for navigations as defined by HTML. [HTML]


Takes an algorithm that will be passed a response. Indicates response’s header list has been received and initialized. This is primarily useful for standards that want to operate on response’s body’s stream directly.

If the request’s mode is "navigate" and its redirect mode is "manual", then callers need to follow a very specific flow with this algorithm to get the intended behavior. They should compute the appropriate location URL, and if it is non-null or failure, then they should call process the next manual redirect. This will result in processResponse being called again, with the next response in the redirect chain.


Takes an algorithm that will be passed a response. Indicates the network is done transmitting the response. This does not read response’s body.


Takes an algorithm that will be passed a response and null, failure, or a byte sequence. This is useful for standards that wish to operate on the entire response’s body, of which the result of reading it is supplied as second argument. The second argument’s values have the following meaning:

The response’s body is null, due to the response being a network error or having a null body status.
Attempting to fully read the contents of the response’s body failed, e.g., due to an I/O error.
a byte sequence
Fully reading the contents of the response’s body succeeded.

A standard that uses this argument cannot operate on response’s body itself as providing this argument will cause it to be read and it can be read only once.


Takes a boolean that defaults to false. Indicates where the algorithms passed as arguments will be invoked. Hopefully most standards will not need this.

When invoked, the fetch operation returns a fetch controller. The controller is used for performing actions on a fetch operation that has already started, such as aborting the operation by the user or page logic, or terminating it due to a browser-internal circumstance.


Thanks to Adam Barth, Adam Lavin, Alan Jeffrey, Alexey Proskuryakov, Andrés Gutiérrez, Andrew Sutherland, Ángel González, Anssi Kostiainen, Arkadiusz Michalski, Arne Johannessen, Artem Skoretskiy, Arthur Barstow, Arthur Sonzogni, Asanka Herath, Axel Rauschmayer, Ben Kelly, Benjamin Gruenbaum, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, Bert Bos, Björn Höhrmann, Boris Zbarsky, Brad Hill, Brad Porter, Bryan Smith, Caitlin Potter, Cameron McCormack, Chirag S Kumar, Chris Needham, Chris Rebert, Clement Pellerin, Collin Jackson, Daniel Robertson, Daniel Veditz, Dave Tapuska, David Benjamin, David Håsäther, David Orchard, Dean Jackson, Devdatta Akhawe, Domenic Denicola, Dominic Farolino, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, Doug Turner, Douglas Creager, Eero Häkkinen, Ehsan Akhgari, Emily Stark, Eric Lawrence, Eric Orth, François Marier, Frank Ellerman, Frederick Hirsch, Frederik Braun, Gary Blackwood, Gavin Carothers, Glenn Maynard, Graham Klyne, Gregory Terzian, Hal Lockhart, Hallvord R. M. Steen, Harris Hancock, Henri Sivonen, Henry Story, Hiroshige Hayashizaki, Honza Bambas, Ian Hickson, Ilya Grigorik, isonmad, Jake Archibald, James Graham, Janusz Majnert, Jeena Lee, Jeff Carpenter, Jeff Hodges, Jeffrey Yasskin, Jensen Chappell, Jeremy Roman, Jesse M. Heines, Jianjun Chen, Jinho Bang, Jochen Eisinger, John Wilander, Jonas Sicking, Jonathan Kingston, Jonathan Watt, 최종찬 (Jongchan Choi), Jordan Stephens, Jörn Zaefferer, Joseph Pecoraro, Josh Matthews, jub0bs, Julian Krispel-Samsel, Julian Reschke, 송정기 (Jungkee Song), Jussi Kalliokoski, Jxck, Kagami Sascha Rosylight, Keith Yeung, Kenji Baheux, Lachlan Hunt, Larry Masinter, Liam Brummitt, Linus Groh, Louis Ryan, Luca Casonato, Lucas Gonze, Łukasz Anforowicz, 呂康豪 (Kang-Hao Lu), Maciej Stachowiak, Malisa, Manfred Stock, Manish Goregaokar, Marc Silbey, Marcos Caceres, Marijn Kruisselbrink, Mark Nottingham, Mark S. Miller, Martin Dürst, Martin O’Neal, Martin Thomson, Matt Andrews, Matt Falkenhagen, Matt Menke, Matt Oshry, Matt Seddon, Matt Womer, Mhano Harkness, Michael Ficarra, Michael Kohler, Michael™ Smith, Mike Pennisi, Mike West, Mohamed Zergaoui, Mohammed Zubair Ahmed, Moritz Kneilmann, Ms2ger, Nico Schlömer, Nicolás Peña Moreno, Nidhi Jaju, Nikhil Marathe, Nikki Bee, Nikunj Mehta, Noam Rosenthal, Odin Hørthe Omdal, Olli Pettay, Ondřej Žára, O. Opsec, Patrick Meenan, Perry Jiang, Philip Jägenstedt, R. Auburn, Raphael Kubo da Costa, Robert Linder, Rondinelly, Rory Hewitt, Ross A. Baker, Ryan Sleevi, Samy Kamkar, Sébastien Cevey, Sendil Kumar N, Shao-xuan Kang, Sharath Udupa, Shivakumar Jagalur Matt, Shivani Sharma, Sigbjørn Finne, Simon Pieters, Simon Sapin, Srirama Chandra Sekhar Mogali, Stephan Paul, Steven Salat, Sunava Dutta, Surya Ismail, Tab Atkins-Bittner, Takashi Toyoshima, 吉野剛史 (Takeshi Yoshino), Thomas Roessler, Thomas Steiner, Thomas Wisniewski, Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu, Tobie Langel, Tom Schuster, Tomás Aparicio, triple-underscore, 保呂毅 (Tsuyoshi Horo), Tyler Close, Ujjwal Sharma, Vignesh Shanmugam, Vladimir Dzhuvinov, Wayne Carr, Xabier Rodríguez, Yehuda Katz, Yoav Weiss, Youenn Fablet, Yoichi Osato, 平野裕 (Yutaka Hirano), and Zhenbin Xu for being awesome.

This standard is written by Anne van Kesteren (Apple, annevk@annevk.nl).


Document conventions

Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. [RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text with class="note", like this:

Note, this is an informative note.

Conformant Algorithms

Requirements phrased in the imperative as part of algorithms (such as "strip any leading space characters" or "return false and abort these steps") are to be interpreted with the meaning of the key word ("must", "should", "may", etc) used in introducing the algorithm.

Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps can be implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. In particular, the algorithms defined in this specification are intended to be easy to understand and are not intended to be performant. Implementers are encouraged to optimize.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

D. Crocker, Ed.; P. Overell. Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF. January 2008. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5234
A. Barth. HTTP State Management Mechanism. April 2011. Proposed Standard. URL: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc6265.html
Mike West; Antonio Sartori. Content Security Policy Level 3. URL: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/
Anne van Kesteren. DOM Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/
ECMAScript Language Specification. URL: https://tc39.es/ecma262/multipage/
Anne van Kesteren. Encoding Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/
Mike West. Fetch Metadata Request Headers. URL: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-fetch-metadata/
Marijn Kruisselbrink. File API. URL: https://w3c.github.io/FileAPI/
Yoav Weiss. High Resolution Time. URL: https://w3c.github.io/hr-time/
J. Hodges; C. Jackson; A. Barth. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). November 2012. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6797
Anne van Kesteren; et al. HTML Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
R. Fielding, Ed.; M. Nottingham, Ed.; J. Reschke, Ed.. HTTP Semantics. June 2022. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110
R. Fielding, Ed.; M. Nottingham, Ed.; J. Reschke, Ed.. HTTP Caching. June 2022. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9111
R. Fielding, Ed.; M. Nottingham, Ed.; J. Reschke, Ed.. HTTP/1.1. June 2022. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9112
M. Bishop, Ed.. HTTP/3. June 2022. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9114
D. Schinazi; L. Pardue. HTTP Datagrams and the Capsule Protocol. August 2022. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9297
Anne van Kesteren; Domenic Denicola. Infra Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/
Gordon P. Hemsley. MIME Sniffing Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/
Emily Stark; Mike West; Carlos IbarraLopez. Mixed Content. URL: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-mixed-content/
Jochen Eisinger; Emily Stark. Referrer Policy. URL: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-referrer-policy/
Douglas Creager; Ian Clelland; Mike West. Reporting API. URL: https://w3c.github.io/reporting/
Yoav Weiss; Noam Rosenthal. Resource Timing. URL: https://w3c.github.io/resource-timing/
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119
P. Kyzivat. Case-Sensitive String Support in ABNF. December 2014. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7405
L. Masinter. Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data. July 2015. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7578
M. Nottingham; P-H. Kamp. Structured Field Values for HTTP. February 2021. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8941
K. Oku; L. Pardue. Extensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTP. June 2022. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9218
Devdatta Akhawe; et al. Subresource Integrity. URL: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/
M. Nottingham. HTTP Cache-Control Extensions for Stale Content. May 2010. Informational. URL: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc5861.html
Adam Rice; et al. Streams Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/
Ben Schwartz; Mike Bishop; Erik Nygren. Service binding and parameter specification via the DNS (DNS SVCB and HTTPS RRs). URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https
Jake Archibald; Marijn Kruisselbrink. Service Workers. URL: https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/
E. Rescorla. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3. August 2018. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8446
Mike West. Upgrade Insecure Requests. URL: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-upgrade-insecure-requests/
Anne van Kesteren. URL Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/
Edgar Chen; Timothy Gu. Web IDL Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/
Adam Rice. WebSockets Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/
V. Vasiliev. WebTransport over HTTP/3. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-webtrans-http3
Anne van Kesteren. XMLHttpRequest Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/

Informative References

Anne van Kesteren. Fetch Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/
Multiple vendors' web servers enable HTTP TRACE method by default.. URL: https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/867593
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) vulnerable to cross-site scripting via HTTP TRACK method.. URL: https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/288308
HTTP proxy default configurations allow arbitrary TCP connections.. URL: https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/150227
Zhiheng Wang. Navigation Timing. 17 December 2012. REC. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/navigation-timing/
A. Barth. The Web Origin Concept. December 2011. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6454
P. Mockapetris. Domain names - implementation and specification. November 1987. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035
L. Masinter. The "data" URL scheme. August 1998. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2397
S. Santesson; et al. X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP. June 2013. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6960
S. Friedl; et al. Transport Layer Security (TLS) Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension. July 2014. Proposed Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7301
A. Langley; N. Modadugu; B. Moeller. Transport Layer Security (TLS) False Start. August 2016. Informational. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7918
M. Thomson; M. Nottingham; W. Tarreau. Using Early Data in HTTP. September 2018. Proposed Standard. URL: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc8470.html
E. Stark. Expect-CT Extension for HTTP. June 2022. Experimental. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9163

IDL Index

typedef (sequence<sequence<ByteString>> or record<ByteString, ByteString>) HeadersInit;

interface Headers {
  constructor(optional HeadersInit init);

  undefined append(ByteString name, ByteString value);
  undefined delete(ByteString name);
  ByteString? get(ByteString name);
  boolean has(ByteString name);
  undefined set(ByteString name, ByteString value);
  iterable<ByteString, ByteString>;

typedef (Blob or BufferSource or FormData or URLSearchParams or USVString) XMLHttpRequestBodyInit;

typedef (ReadableStream or XMLHttpRequestBodyInit) BodyInit;
interface mixin Body {
  readonly attribute ReadableStream? body;
  readonly attribute boolean bodyUsed;
  [NewObject] Promise<ArrayBuffer> arrayBuffer();
  [NewObject] Promise<Blob> blob();
  [NewObject] Promise<FormData> formData();
  [NewObject] Promise<any> json();
  [NewObject] Promise<USVString> text();
typedef (Request or USVString) RequestInfo;

interface Request {
  constructor(RequestInfo input, optional RequestInit init = {});

  readonly attribute ByteString method;
  readonly attribute USVString url;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Headers headers;

  readonly attribute RequestDestination destination;
  readonly attribute USVString referrer;
  readonly attribute ReferrerPolicy referrerPolicy;
  readonly attribute RequestMode mode;
  readonly attribute RequestCredentials credentials;
  readonly attribute RequestCache cache;
  readonly attribute RequestRedirect redirect;
  readonly attribute DOMString integrity;
  readonly attribute boolean keepalive;
  readonly attribute boolean isReloadNavigation;
  readonly attribute boolean isHistoryNavigation;
  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;
  readonly attribute RequestDuplex duplex;

  [NewObject] Request clone();
Request includes Body;

dictionary RequestInit {
  ByteString method;
  HeadersInit headers;
  BodyInit? body;
  USVString referrer;
  ReferrerPolicy referrerPolicy;
  RequestMode mode;
  RequestCredentials credentials;
  RequestCache cache;
  RequestRedirect redirect;
  DOMString integrity;
  boolean keepalive;
  AbortSignal? signal;
  RequestDuplex duplex;
  RequestPriority priority;
  any window; // can only be set to null

enum RequestDestination { "", "audio", "audioworklet", "document", "embed", "font", "frame", "iframe", "image", "manifest", "object", "paintworklet", "report", "script", "sharedworker", "style",  "track", "video", "worker", "xslt" };
enum RequestMode { "navigate", "same-origin", "no-cors", "cors" };
enum RequestCredentials { "omit", "same-origin", "include" };
enum RequestCache { "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache", "force-cache", "only-if-cached" };
enum RequestRedirect { "follow", "error", "manual" };
enum RequestDuplex { "half" };
enum RequestPriority { "high", "low", "auto" };

[Exposed=(Window,Worker)]interface Response {
  constructor(optional BodyInit? body = null, optional ResponseInit init = {});

  [NewObject] static Response error();
  [NewObject] static Response redirect(USVString url, optional unsigned short status = 302);
  [NewObject] static Response json(any data, optional ResponseInit init = {});

  readonly attribute ResponseType type;

  readonly attribute USVString url;
  readonly attribute boolean redirected;
  readonly attribute unsigned short status;
  readonly attribute boolean ok;
  readonly attribute ByteString statusText;
  [SameObject] readonly attribute Headers headers;

  [NewObject] Response clone();
Response includes Body;

dictionary ResponseInit {
  unsigned short status = 200;
  ByteString statusText = "";
  HeadersInit headers;

enum ResponseType { "basic", "cors", "default", "error", "opaque", "opaqueredirect" };

partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
  [NewObject] Promise<Response> fetch(RequestInfo input, optional RequestInit init = {});